8 long years..
Today marks being married to you, my love, for 8 full and beautiful years.
When we were sitting in church this weekend our Pastor asked us if we had ever felt and heard Gods presence and voice SO loudly in our lives over a topic. I rubbed your hand because, babe, you are my topic. Choosing to get back together with you after our breakup {oh young dating drama that you have always hated!} and then choosing to marry you- that was when God was YELLING at me to do it. I have never heard him more clearly on anything in my life, and what a blessing that is.
You are everything I never even had a clue I needed. You are the epitome of that cheesy saying “You are my rock”. You are my steady force when I am a twister in a storm. You keep me calm, confident, and even keeled when I need it most. You are my constant. You are there for me, even when I don’t deserve it. You are the best counterpart to me when it comes to having a fight. Me being the emotional, dig taking, and closing off one, you being patiently there to pull it all out, and put it back together.
You inspire me on the daily. The passion you have for our family, for our boys, it is the most beautiful thing to see. While you love your work and are beyond incredible at it, I know you do it ALL for us. You desire to give me all my hopes and dreams, whatever they may be. And you know what? You HAVE. You have given me a life that I never imagined possible.
You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. 11 years ago I knew you were something different, even if we both just wanted to make out in the beginning and not be ‘serious’.
And you know what the best part of this next year of us will be? Watching you become the dada to a girl. To your Princess you never knew you needed, but you do. She is going to melt your heart in a way you never knew possible- and I am beyond blessed to be able to be there alongside you and witness it all.
Jeremy, you are my heart- I love you forever and then some. Happy 8 years.
all photos Melissa Young Photography