Its official, 9 months is the best age ever! At least for now:) This month his personality has come out so much more, and its looking like he is going to be a complete ham! He loves to flirt with anyone and everyone, giggles constantly, and like a typical boy- thinks his farts are hilarious;) Heres a little recap of 9 months with sweet Bray.
Him and J came down to cheer me on during my 1/2 marathon. Seeing that smiling face made it all worth it.
He is madly in love with his sippy cup. He drinks from it like a pro, and loves water! He never really drank from a normal sippy, but the straw ones are perfect for him. It only took him a day or two to figure it out.
I finally wised-up and put him the shopping cart instead of the Ergo while out and about. WHY did I not do this sooner?! Its so much more comfortable for me, he is obsessed with looking around and seeing everything, so its a win-win. Now taking him shopping anywhere is so fun for both of us!
I had thought that Bray had a cold before this month, but turns out those two times he had a runny nose it was just him teething. He officially had his first cold though this month:( Runny nose and a sad little cough. I took him to the doctor just to make sure the cough wasn’t anything serious, and of course it wasn’t.
Braylen loves his morning and evening adventures with his Papa more than almost anything else. Its so sweet that whenever he sees his Papa he instantly wants to be picked up and walked around. They go and look and touch everything inside and outside. Sweet, sweet moments:)
On top of all the other food he eats, we introduced some organic puffs this month. He loves them, and they have been incredible in helping his motor skills. The first day he tried to get them he just played with them. The second day he started attempting to put them in his mouth. The third day, every single one went in the mouth! Its amazing what they can learn so fast!
We had a lot of play dates this month, one being meeting up with the fabulous ladies from Newlywoodwards and Making Our Dream. So fun meeting blog friends in real life! PS- Bray always does this to babies, it cracks me up and makes me feel bad at the same time!!
We found out this month that my brother and his wonderful wife are having a baby BOY this summer!!! We are so incredibly excited that that makes 3 boy cousins within 13 months!
Bath time is still a favorite around here. And sometimes if we were out and about during the day, dinner time gets combined with bath time;) Nothing like eating broccoli in the sink!
We spent a lot of time at a park by Js parents house. It has been really beautiful out, and I love being able to let the dogs off their leash. Bray loves being outside WAY more than being stuck inside, so it makes everyone happy!
He is getting really great at eating finger foods. I am not pureeing much of his food anymore. Mainly just baking or steaming stuff and cutting it in to smaller pieces. His current list of food now is:
Sweet Potatoes
Butternut Squash
Acorn Squash
Green Beans
Bell Peppers
Greek Yogurt
Yogurt Melts
Egg yolk
This month he has totally mastered the army crawl. I keep waiting for him to crawl while up on his knees, but the doctor said he might just be a baby that does the army crawl for his. He is also saying dada every now and then. He totally doesn’t get what it means, but he says it and we are so excited;) My mom also taught him some fun new tricks, like making the indian noise with his cute to see.
I especially have seen this month that he is grasping whats good and bad. He knows when I say ‘no’ to him dropping his cup, that its not ok. And knows that when I clap and say ‘good boy’ when he doesn’t drop it that he did good! So amazing seeing his little wheels turn!
A huge blessing is that we completely stopped his acid relux meds this month! No reaction! Hooray for being med free. He is been sleeping so incredible too! Every single night he sleeps from about 6:45-7:30. Its a beautiful thing;) He loves going to bed so much at night that when I am finished nursing him, and I rock him a little, he reaches for his crib the second I stop rocking him. I love that he finds comfort in his resting place. He also has 6 teeth right now, 2 on bottom, 4 on top! Love those little teefers.
Baby boy,
Your daddy and I are completely obsessed with you! You brighten not only our day, but our entire life. You give me such a purpose in life. You make me constantly evaluate if I am being a good example for you or not, and I love that. I pray that your daddy and I can be the best parents ever for you. Thank you for being SUCH a happy baby. We are blessed to call you ours

SO SWEET! Children change your world…
Nice pictures. The baby looks so cute.
Such a happy boy! I think he is going to be a big Ham!
Love the picture of Bray putting his hand in Camille’s mouth. So happy we got to meet up. It was a joy to meet you both.
Happy 9 months. He’s too cute for words.
I know this is a random question; how long do Baby boy’s nap times normally last and how many does he take. My son is 8.5 months old and also sleeps from 7-7/7:30. But he just doesn’t care for naps (most of the time it’s only one or two naps. Normally they only last a total of 45 minutes).
Like I said, random! However, I adore your blog!!!