This week I have learned a million things, and one of them is I have no idea the best way to clean a two story house. The ironic part is that I grew up in a two story house, but I was a spoiled child that never really had to clean much.
I was used to the sight of maids doing household chores. To be honest, I have never seen anybody from the family take up any repair work either, which is why I never got to do any repair work myself. I had an uncle living in Bethesda, and I was visiting him once. It was summertime, and the AC was not working properly. So, instead of trying to fix it alone, he tried to contact firms that provided AC repair in Bethesda.
So, as the readers must have understood that I never had to either take up cleaning or repairing tasks. However, it seems that the times have changed. Now I am in charge of all things clean (repairing is still not something I would do alone). And it would be unjust to say that I can do everything on my own. I do need help! I was going to hire a company like Modern Maids Austin but I decided that I needed to tackle the situation myself. I can’t hide away from cleaning anymore!
My main question for all of you experts out there is for the stairs. I know that there just has to be some sorta trick out there to make this easier, so how do I clean them? I have been lugging my vacuum up and down and using the hose, and then using my Bona hardwood cleaner after. Its not exactly a fun time… I just need to find the best hoover for stair’s carpet…
Also- any tips for cleaning our room upstairs? Luckily its only our room thats upstairs, but I still haven’t figured out whats the best way to clean it. Also, trekking stuff up and down all day- whats the most efficient way?
You hear a lot of different ways that this can be done so it is hard to narrow it down to one that will benefit you completely, it is lucky that there is so much you can do to keep your home clean with tips and tricks but it can be exhausting. The same can be said when getting in cleaning supplies, there is so much out there to choose from! Which one is best? Will it stain? Can it be used on wood? All of these questions need to be answered, that is why it is good to go back to basics and use core products that won’t be too abrasive and make you second guess your choices, like using distilled water 5l with a little bit of antibacterial soap or using steam cleaners that don’t need chemicals. Sometimes, basic is better.
I know this is a lot of questions, but I just feel like you all are such an incredible resource! Thanks so much! Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend, and I hope to see some of you locals at the Revive Conference.
I leave a set of cleaning supplies upstairs and a set downstairs. I keep everything in those large caddies ( sterilite or rubbermaid). Makes it sooo much easier cleaning room to room. As for the stairs I do deep cleans with the big vacuum every other week and just maintain it with the hand vac in between. When you have a large house it’s really important to have a cleaning schedule and break things up over the week.
If you can have separate cleaning things in both places, that’s ideal. If not, I put all of my cleaning supplies in a caddy and carry it with me as I go along. You could use an apron, too, if it had lots of pockets. Can’t help you with the stairs, as we live in a ranch. Best wishes!
A swiffer with a cloth attached is perfect for the steps – light, easy, and the throw-away cloths are very effective. Linda
Ugh the stairs! If anybody has any wisdom to lend on that subject, I’d love to hear it. We’ve lived in our house for over three years, and I STILL haven’t figured out a good/efficient way to clean them!
Hire a cleaning lady!!! ๐ (They can actually be pretty reasonable sometimes)
I would have 2 sets of cleaning supplies as well as a dustbuster for the stairs (or something light and easy). Cleaning = NO FUN!
put a pretty little container to hold things that need to go up or down and then when you’re making a trip up or down take a whole bunch of things with you, instead of a million little trips.. Or make a bunch of little trips and work that booty out! XO
I have two set of stairs in my house and i have found the best way is to sweep them. I assume the wood stairs in the picture are yours. With wood it is easy, i will sweep every stair top to bottom and then vacuum all the “stuff” up at the bottom. I usually do the stairs on my “vacuum day” so while i am vacuuming i just suck up the dirt at the bottom of the stairs. i then mop top to bottom also.
those stairs are yours??? dreamy!!!
This is the strangest question I have ever heard. Coming from New England, everyone has two stories and wood floors. You keep extra supplies in the upstairs bathroom and clean that when you are in there. You drag the vacuum cleaner up once a week to vacuum. Anxious to see more pictures. Seems like a really interesting enormous house. Ann
i am up and down all day. when i come down the stairs i just take a wet rag and clean the hand rail as i go down.
when i go up the stairs, i tend to notice the dust bunnies more so that is when i tackle them! easy peasy!
Hi! Looks like a beautiful home, cant wait to see more. I keep one of EVERYTHING upstairs & downstairs. Wipes, diaper cream, diapers & cleaning products too. Since you have wooden steps use a large microfiber rag, then toss it in the washer ๐
I have an 8yr old that would be more than happy to run up & down for me but since he goes to school that doesnt always work out ๐ Good luck!!
I also recommend having supplies upstairs and down instead of lugging everything. As for the stairs themselves, I just did mine today. I use a swiffer for mine. It’s really the only thing I use the swiffer for. I go down the stairs with the dry one and up with the wet one.
It seems like all of the pet hair, sawdust, and dirt in our house gathers on the stairs. Luckily, they’re hardwood (like yours) so they’re simple to clean. If we remember to go after them a few times a week with a dustbuster, they stay pretty presentable!
We have carpeted stairs and have worked out a great system but it does involve both of us! As my husband does the vacumning anyway (bless!) when he gets to the stairs I hold the main body of the cleaner for him and we work from the top down – brilliant!!
Swiffers are the best! I take a swiffer in one hand and a feather duster in the other (for the bannister) and go down the stairs from the top. Swiffer should pick up most of the dirt from a stair and push the bigger pieces down to the next stair. When you get to the bottom, just sweep up everything you’ve collected that the swiffer didn’t get. (Also, a feather duster isn’t the BEST thing for a bannister because it just moves the dust around, but it’s the most fun.)
I vacuum the stairs every two week and it swipe the wooden floor with a throw away cloth .It will polish the floor and give a great look to the wood.
First make a simpler plan! From where you want to start and where you want it to end. Corner out all the furniture and associated stuff! Brace yourself and kick start things!! No short cut!! Make sure you don’t run out of cleaning stuff during the cleaning process.
If you can have separate cleaning things in both places, that’s ideal. If not, I put all of my cleaning supplies in a caddy and carry it with me as I go along.
I also recommend supplies upstairs down, rather than dragging everything. Staircase itself, I just did mine today. I am using a Swiffer mine. Really, this is the only thing I use Swiffer. I walked down the stairs, dry and wet.
Best solution for cleaning is to hire a cleaning service provider and for vacuum cleaners visit: