With the time of our little girls arrival getting closer and closer, I am desperately trying to get things checked off the to-do list. I’m constantly seeking advice from friends and family as well as looking online at sites like Best For Parents for help. It’s a crazy time but I wouldn’t change it for the world! One of those things for SURE was getting together her diaper bag for the hospital. I have a separate packed for myself, that i’ll be showing later this week, but for now- this is what I have set out for baby girl.
Being our third time doing this, I have it pretty narrowed down to what I feel necessary. I think with Braylen I packed every single thing ever made for babies;) I even brought my own pump in case I needed to pump, which is silly since the hospital has them there for you if needed! So this list is pretty simple, but for us- its definitely all we need.
1- Lily Jade Diaper Bag: I always like taking the items in the actual diaper bag I will be using for the baby, that way its an easy transition once home. I am beyond obsessed with my Lily Jade bag, and you can read the full review here
2- Baby Bling Bows: Now this is a first for us, but I am pretty positive that no baby girl in history has ever had a hospital photo without some sort of headband or bow on, right?! I am bringing two different types, because to be honest- I dont really know what I am doing when it comes to this:)
3- Nursing Pillow: A must have for me! I didn’t take this when I had Bray, and I so wished I had. It was a game changer having it in the hospital with me when I had Winston. Nursing in the early days takes a bit of help, so having this pillow to help properly position the baby is the best! AND bonus- if you are seriously sore ‘down there’ it can act as a donut pillow for you while not nursing!
4- MAM newborn pacis: I am pro paci, but I know not everyone is. Luckily I have never had an issue with nipple confusion with my kids, and pacis are SO soothing for them. With Braylen I think we waited a few days to let him have one, and my pediatrician said that it shouldn’t be an issue- and to just try. With Winston we gave him one that first night. The hospital should provide you with some, but I always bring a different type in case they don’t like the hospitals kind.
5- Baby mittens: Those sweet babies LOVE to get their hands up in their face, and ultimately scratch themselves all over
6- Milk Barn Swaddle and Aiden and Anais Swaddle: While the hospitals provide you a million and one baby blankets and swaddles, I love bringing my own. Not only are they way softer, but they are WAY cuter:) I am bringing two of my new favorites this time around!
7- Nursing Cover: This one is only really needed if you are planning on having visitors. This way if you are having someone in your room that you aren’t quite comfortable nursing in front of, you can easily use nursing covers to cover up rather than having them leave the room. This is obviously a personal preference, and a lot of first time moms will prefer to have the room empty to nurse- but this isn’t my first rodeo, so i’ll choose to just cover up:) I just got two of these covers and loveeee them.
8- Kickee Pants jammies: This is another one that the hospital technically provides an option for you, but I bring my own. The hospital will give you sweet little white shirts your baby can wear, but I love nothing more than putting them in cute soft jammies. AND you always want a cute outfit to bring the baby home in, so always pack one extra just in case. I brought both boys home in a Kickee Pants outfit, so im following suit for her:)
Thats it! I have a separate bag packed for myself, and i’ll fill you in on that later {full post on Mommys Bag here}. If you are a first time mama, and it will make you feel more relaxed to over pack- then do it. But if this isn’t your first time, par it down, and only bring what you really think you’ll need! Its so much nicer leaving the hospital without 5million bags full of stuff you never even used.