How far along: 39 weeks pregnant! Due September 27th. So beyond thankful to have made it full term!
Total weight gain: Unknown:) Read more about why I changed this here.
Maternity clothes: Maternity, stretchy, dresses, or no clothes at all at this point;)
Stretch marks: Not one new stretch mark this time around! Which is crazy since I am the biggest I have ever been I think AND the farthest I have ever been! But I am using a combo of old and new tricks to keep them away. The Mama Mio oil I have used with the past two pregnancies has kept me almost completely stretch mark free, so i’m sticking with it. But I am also adding in a drop of Gentle Baby and Frankincense Young Living essential oils.
Sleep: Napping every day, esp. since I don’t know when labor is going to start. Only getting up once a night to pee as well- so its actually been pretty good. I did have one night of crap sleep where I was up from about 330-530, but other than that its been good.
Best moment of this week: Getting a bunch of quality time in with my boys, eating out a lot, and soaking in these last days as a family of four.
Miss anything: Were SO close now that i’m just fine with anything.
Movement: Still crazy and so low.
Food cravings: For the first time, nothing really. WOAH!
Anything making you queasy or sick: nada!
Have you started to show yet: Haha this shouldn’t be a question anymore.
Gender: A sweet precious baby GIRL!
Labor signs: Last week my Doctor said I was 2cm dilated, 70% effaced, and shes at a -2 station. She stripped my membranes, and that didnt do anything…obviously haha. I have had about four false alarms where I have uncomfortable contractions, 5 minutes apart, for 2 hours and then they just STOP! When you google signs of early labor, I literally hit every one of them, and yet am still stinkin pregnant. It is surreal to me- NEVER did I think I would hit 39 weeks. Bray came at 38wk1day and Winston at 38wk3days, so this is nuts! I have another doctors appointment tomorrow, so we will see.
Belly button in or out: Its out, ALL the way now.
Wedding rings on or off: On!
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy:)
Looking forward to: Meeting this sweet baby girl soon! Thats basically all my mind is occupied with right now, so thats it:)