How far along: 11 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: down 1 pound
Maternity clothes: none yet
Stretch marks: none yet
Sleep: sleeping better this week, still can’t seem to get enough sleep..ever
Best moment this week: seeing our baby on the ultrasound. Hearing the heart beat, watching it move and kick surreal!
Miss anything: just the obvious things
Movement: none, except now I know that the baby is indeed moving around a ton!
Food cravings: i’ve been eating a lot of black olives and oatmeal this week, not together!
Anything making you queasy or sick: nothing this week! woohoo!
Have you started to show yet: definitely starting to feel the extra pudge..and im A OK with it:)
Gender: unknown, J thinks its a boy
Labor signs: none
Belly button in or out: in
Wedding rings on or off: on {on the days I actually wear it}
Happy or moody most of the time: so happy, especially now that we made it public this week.
Looking forward to: celebrating Js birthday this weekend, the fact that it now actually feels like Fall outside, and Thanksgiving coming up.
Here is a close up of our little cutie at just over 11 weeks:)

looking at what you are doing is kinda fun.
Funny.. I like your writing style and facts of 11 weeks pregnancy…