Yes, yes, I do realize I am just now talking to y’all about our Advent calendar for this year on December 4th. But hey- maybe you don’t have one going yet and need some ideas. Many people have progressed past the need for store-bought chocolate-filled calendars and have either begun making their own or inventing new twists on the theme. There’s a lot of crazy calendars going around nowadays, there’s even a cannabis christmas calendar for people into that kind of thing. But if you want an idea for a nice down to earth calendar the whole family can enjoy then this post is for you 🙂
Anyway, I wanted to share with you how we are doing our advent this year. Not that there is anything wrong with making each day have something fun, or even better- candy! But we wanted our advent calendar to have us focusing on doing good for others, for our family, our friends. Bray and I sat down and he helped me go through and write something for each day. It was really special seeing his little heart come out through this.
We kept some of the basics in there like:
-Watch a Christmas movie
-Drink hot cocoa
-Make cookies
-Drive around and look at Christmas lights
I also added specific ones that I know are coming up, like a trip up to Flagstaff for the Polar Express, and a night out at The Princess hotel. Then there are the majority of what we put in:
-Pray for all the people in our lives {separate ones for each family, some friends, our country, etc.}
-Go buy a friend a coffee {for the parents} and cake pops {for the kiddos!}
-Write certain people handwritten letters
-Drop off cookies to our local firestation
-Write out what we are thankful for
-Bring a friend a special treat like cookies or banana bread
Bray is so excited every day when he gets to grab it out and have me read it. It is so incredible that not only does this make us focus on others and doing good, but that he is so excited about it! THIS is what this season is all about. And I love that we have a daily reminder of it.
Do you have an advent calendar? What does your consist of?

We do this too! I think it is really important to give the kids something to focus upon besides presents. I love the idea of dropping cookies off at the fire station or writing down what they are thankful for along with their letter to Santa. We also make cards and create a care package for a soldier overseas. And one of my favs, is I take them to the grocery to pick out food for the food bank. I let them choose whatever they think the food bank needs (they always choose pickles and maraschino cherries….). It is fun for me, more meaningful for them since they have control over what we choose and hopefully helpful for the food bank. I typically just tape red and green envelopes to an empty wall in the shape of a Christmas tree, but I love your stockings! Where did you get them?