I feel like I should warn you guys before we even dive in: our master bedroom is NO where finished. I wouldn’t even really classify it as started:) So far, all we have done is painted it and now installed our new accordion lights. Our bedroom is not exactly at the top of our priority list. I know, I know- your room should be your sanctuary, but right now our main living spaces and kids room are more important. We do consider our physical mattress a sanctuary with how comfy it is, but other than that- its a room that needs a lot of work!
Since we moved in a year ago now, we have been using our old DIY Teacup Lamps with the DIY shades. They were working great but we knew we wanted a change, and specifically a change that included no more lamps on the nightstands. We found our two new {old} accordion lamps at Modern Manor and loved that they were totally different from each other, and in need of a little TLC {one technically still is, one is finished!}. Here are our new babies:
Don’t you just loveee the splattered look?
Luckily a few coats of spray paint fixed that baby right up:
And a few rounds of drilling with our beloved Ryobi drill got the lamps nice and secure on the wall:
I am seriously loving having so much room open on our night stands now {in the process of either DIYing or buying new}. Also, these lamps are incredible for reading in bed. And J just made them even better by installing remotes to turn them on and off. Score!
As much as we love these lamps, the install of them {and about 100 other things in our home} would have been a heck of lot harder without our Ryboi drill {and tools in general}. With that said, we are super excited to be able to give away to one lucky winner a Ryobi 18-volt drill AND compact driver {valued at $150}:
Follow the steps below in Rafflecopter to enter! And a huge thank you to Ryobi for making this giveaway happen.

Love your new lamps and thanks for the awesome giveaway!
Seriously drooling over the accordion arms. So, so good!
Angela @ Number Fifty-Three