Baby boy #2 is going to be here before we know it! If he shows up around when Braylen did {two weeks early} then we have less than two months! Ahh! We are so excited, but also totally overwhelmed with how much we have to get done before that time comes. Our friends have been helpful by offering old toys, sending us useful articles like 10 must have nursery items by, babysitting Braylen, and helping us decorate. I don’t think we’d be ready in time if it weren’t for them! Jeremy is also in an insanely busy season at work until June, I am in two weddings, traveling {TOMORROW! AH} for a blog conference, and celebrating multiple holidays {including Bray’s second birthday}. So to say the least, we are a little busy, and probably will be up until the second this little guy gets here.
Luckily, we work well under pressure. And whats even better is the fact that we know now, that you by no means need to have a nursery actually finished by time the baby comes. He will be sleeping up in our room for quite awhile, so theres no pressure. Yes, I would love to have it done, and done fast, but we will get it finished when we can:)
With all that being said, we do have tons of ideas. I don’t know if I have ever mentally planned out a rooms details more than I have for his nursery
We are using the campaign dresser we had in Brays nursery in the old house, and possibly painting it. I love the look of the wood, but we have had it in our family room for the past year and it has gotten pretty beat up:/ The crib will also be Brays old one, since he is in a big boy bed now {aka a twin mattress on the floor}! I really want to keep the walls white, and normally we would have some sort of wall treatment {wainscoting, board and batten, etc.} but the room only has one wall that isn’t dominated by a window. I personally think if we put enough items up on the walls, then white will work. J is totally skeptical:)
I want the room to be a great mix of light and airy, earthy, and classic. Thats not too much to ask, right?! Either way, we have started making a little progress this past week. Baseboards are in, some of the crown is up, and tools are cleared out! Just think, this room is going to look drastically different in about two {plus} months:
We can’t wait!
If you think of it tomorrow, say a prayer for me. I am heading to the SNAP blogging conference in Utah. This is my first time going to a conference, and the first time I am traveling without family or it will be scary and AWESOME. Can’t wait to meet so many incredible bloggers, and hopefully gain a ton of knowledge, AND get some amazing inspiration for this here blog:)

Your inspiration board made me think of these amazing mobiles we sell at work. They are globes, and would fit in perfectly =]
Can’t wait to see what you come up with!
Can’t wait to see the progress on Baby #2 ‘s nursery!
Have fun at the conference.