Ever since my doctor told me last week that she expects me to go 2-3 weeks early all I have been able to think about is baby. Cleaning for the baby, getting stuff assembled for the baby, freaking out about the baby, etc. Life as I know it has kind of stopped until I feel like we are ‘ready enough’ for him to come tomorrow. Friends and family have been amazing with helping us get ready. As of two days ago I was freaking out because I had approximately 6 newborn outfits {onesies and Pjs total} and now today, I have about 50. Seriously, some are borrowed and some were given..but either way we are overflowing with NB and 0-3 month clothes! How amazing to be blessed like that!
Side note: I cannot wait to write up the tutorial for the bench/trunk. This thing is so rad!!! And once it gets painted and stained it is going to be even better.
But really, I feel like all I have done {other than work and some social life} this past week is prepare for baby boy. I have been a clothes washing, bottle sterilizing, mind preparing, book reading machine. Cooking real meals? Nah- I just use the stove for this lately:

First off, it is a really good idea to be prepared, just in case!! But, I will just say, it is so hard to predict when that baby will decide to come out. I was sure that I was going to have my baby early and she ended up coming 5 days late. My sister is pregnant right now, and due the same time as you, and a little over a month ago she was hospitalized because she went into early labor, they were able to stop it but said that she would FOR SURE have the baby by Easter, and she is still pregnant!! I just thought I would throw that out there. Good Luck!