So remember when we left for Flagstaff three weeks ago, and I said our bathrooms would be done by the time we came back home? Ya, that’s not happening;) Thankfully it actually wasn’t our guy’s fault at all, they have been rockstar workers. It was actually our tile that has been the big hold-up.
But, we’ve dealt with bathroom issues before, from the time we had to call an emergency plumber atlanta after accidentally bursting a pipe to the time we were about 20 tiles short of finishing the flooring, so it’s nothing we can’t deal with.
When we ordered our beveled subway tile for our Master bath, it said it would be in on the 12th. On the 14th Jeremy got a call saying it was delayed until the end of the month! End.Of.The.Month. Much different than mid-month right?! So that obviously put a serious delay on everything. But it’s all ok, we are heading home from Flag tomorrow and are going to stay at my in-laws until it’s all finished.
We are making SO much progress though! We have the counters, just not installed yet. The cabinets are almost all the way in. The tub and boys’ sink are almost all refinished. I know some people might not be excited about the above image, but man it makes me giddy! It’s been such a huge change already, and we aren’t even done. We would probably need to order some shower screens, wipers, and drains, I am not sure of the list though, but I know we can get all of these maybe from an e-store similar to Wetrooms Design or from a nearby local store.
One of the hiccups we ran into was a big bummer. We took off the drywall on one wall of the boys’ bathroom to expose the old brick wall. We were SO excited to keep that wall all open and exposed. And then, well then we realized there was a huge hole in it:(
So we compromised and put up tiled wainscoting. It looks good, but I am still a little sad about covering the wall.
That’s all for now! Can’t wait to get home tomorrow just to see it all in person! And there are currently 7 guys at the house working away, so I’m sure it will look even better within 24 hours!