I racked my brain for awhile trying to decide what I would do for this first Monday Tip series, and I decided that I would share my favorite resources for At home fitness workouts. Fitness is super important and even if you can’t get to the gym, you can at least get some exercise at home. Some people prefer to join fitness classes or take part in regular training in specific sports, for example, you could search tennis coach near me. However, I find that working out at home fits into my schedule a lot easier. The thing that I am most excited about for this series is that the tips are going to be covering everything, fitness/food/DIY/design/oils/health. I will simply always be sharing the best of the best in all the things I love and know!
While I do belong to a gym, and I love having the childcare there, I still find myself with multiple days where we just can’t make it there. Whether it be not enough time, a sick kid, etc. some days I just need a great at home workout.
We have a fantastic gym in our home but recently we have been thinking about investing in some exciting new equipment. For example, we think our home gym would make a brilliant place for a sauna. We thought something like this top rated infrared brand of sauna would slot in ideally amongst our home workout equipment. There are so many health benefits associated with saunas, adding one would really help us to unwind after an intense workout. Additionally, we’ve been looking to upgrade our flooring in our home gym to sprung floors that absorb shocks, giving it a softer feel and reducing the chance of injuries.
For now, though, these online resources are by far my favorite.
-My most favorite of them all is Fitness Blender. They have an insane amount of free workouts on their site, and they make it super user friendly. You can chose your workouts by time, intensity, equipment, etc. And the videos are done in real-time, so you can easily just follow along with them.
–Jamie Eason is an incredible body builder that has really great free programs. She is known for her 12 week program, but I love a lot of the options. Some of her workouts are able to be done at home fully, some require more equipment.
–Body Rock was one of the first at home workouts I ever did. They have a serious amount of free workouts on the site and make it easy to find the type of workout you want. I know there was some drama surrounding the site awhile back, but the workouts are still great!
–Simply Sadie Jane is a great blog, and she also has an awesome 6 week at home workout program. Her focus is mainly a crossfit style, but very little equipment is needed. I love how she also has videos on each weeks workout showing you all the steps used.
These are my go-to resources for at home workouts. I have heard really great things about Kayla Itsines– but she only offers a free 7 day program, everything after that you have to buy.
So thats it for the first Monday Tip. I would love to hear if you have any favorite at home workout resources that I don’t know about! Please share in the comments if you do. And also- please share if you have any tips or best-of’s that you would like to see here.

Nike Training Club app! It’s a free app which provides 15-45 minute workouts that covers everything from yoga to interval training to workouts focused on a body part! Little equipment – dumbells, yoga mat, and medicine ball – is sometimes needed.
Ooo I forgot about that one!! Definitely need to start using it again! Thanks Kimberly
Fitness Blender is my absolute fave! I do their workouts nearly every day. 🙂 I also like Pop Pilates – not as easy as you would think!
I have actually heard about the Pilates one, but have yet to do it! Ill check it out! Thanks!!