Yesterday felt like Christmas for me..I got my Canon T3i!! I have been a total psycho with stalking the door, any noise I would hear I would think for sure it was the UPS guy. Finally though, it was- and I got a beautiful, shiny, actually nice camera. I got the Rebel because I used to own an older version {and then I was an idiot and put it in my luggage and my luggage got stolen} so I am some what familiar with it. I also am just a lover of Canon in general.
Heres where you guys come in- by NO means am I a pro or even somewhat decent. For any of you that aren’t pro’s but know a pretty fair amount of DSLRs, give me your best tips and tricks. I am really wanting to not just stay on Auto this time around:) Also, any programs you recommend I can’t wait to get some great shots of my sweet family and all the incredible house projects going on!!!! Perfect timing!

I am pretty much the same- I have an amazing Canon but not much clue on how to use it properly off auto so will steal any tips you get given!
I love using Picmonkey for really simple editing and collaging etc its so quick and easy….
Hooray! Here is the online course I told you about.
Bryan got it for me for Christmas, and it is camera-specific to the Canon T3i. It goes button by button, menu by menu, and it’s taught (online/video) by a normal dude speaking plain English (so you don’t have to read the manual – ha!). It is *not* at “Photography 101” class, so I will probably look for some additional online tutorials and more stuff on actually shooting in manual, but I am loving that this is helping me to learn MY camera.
We asked a lot of people about lenses and ended up buying an additional lens at the same time because we got a great Cyber Monday deal. This is the one we bought:
I have been watching the class and playing around just with the kit lens and all the automatic settings first, and then just swapped out lenses the other day for the first time. I’m getting more comfortable with the camera and all its functions now – so hoping to start shooting more and more in manual as I learn.
Have fun!
That’s bad because I’m same as you, now I‘m relaxed because now I know that I’m not the only one having problems with the camera.
I highly recommend this for everyone with a dslr:
Great information which totally changed the way I use my camera.
Definitely take advantage of the features you have with your T3i! I have had a Canon Rebel forever (first had one as a film camera, then transitioned to digital). Planning on upgrading this spring, hopefully to a Canon 60D.
I first learned to use my manual settings by reading Nicole Gerulat’s book “Photo 101.” She’s great at explaining complicated things in a simple way. Nicole has online classes too. I also recommend the classes from the guys at ShootFlyShoot. They do a good job of showing you what you’re doing, and what to do on the camera.
Good luck!