That is our tree. Its a 7 foot beauty that is almost too tall for the room, but we love it.
Now I know everyone is different in how they decorate their tree. There are those who do all matching and good looking ornaments, those who do all random and meaningful ornaments, and then theres us: we do a combo of it all!
I’ll showcase some of the meaningful ornaments that don’t match, and might be ugly, but I could care less..
The ornament we got as one of our wedding gifts. I thought it was a great idea for a newly married couple- helping them start off right:)
An adorable ornament with one of our wedding photos printed on to it. I love this!
Haha, now heres what I mean when I say ugly, but who cares;)
The one I bought for us last year because it was our new home<3
Now for some simple money saving tips for decorating the tree:
- Estate sales will always have the best, cheapest, and most unique and vintage ornaments around. You can’t beat what you get there.
- DIY ornaments
- Go shopping for everything once the holiday is over, 75% off deals are pretty nice.
- Dont overcrowd your tree with ornaments. Not only does this actually save you money, but it also allows for the tree to be shown off {which is the best part anyway right?!}
Well, hope you guys like the tree, and the meaningful, yet sometimes ugly ornaments. Christmas is only a couple days away-WOOHOO!

Love your tree! The ornaments tell
a story and that is what it’s all
Merry Christmas!
Flora Doora