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We all know it’s the most wonderful time of the year, but I am sure we all have different reasons that truly make it that. Different traditions make it that much more special for every one, and the setting of new traditions is just as exciting!
Every year growing up my mom would make each of us kids a big mug of hot cocoa, topped with way too many marshmallows, and we would all pile in to the family van. Not a minivan, and not a 15 passenger van, but one of those awkward ones in between that had a sweet bench seat that flattened to a bed in the back! We would put my grandma in the car with us all, and my dad would drive around for at least an hour. We knew what neighborhoods typically had the best lights, and we would hit up those first, and then spend the rest of the time just aimlessly driving around. My grandma was born in 1910, so she was an opinionated SWEET lady, and she always had the most hilarious commentary on peoples lights.
Last year was the first year that we felt the boys would truly enjoy being in the car for more than 5 minutes {at least Bray!} so we started the tradition then. We started off by going to the most insanely decorated house right by us, and then followed suit by aimlessly driving around looking at the lights. This was Brays first time having hot cocoa, and he realized after the first sip that he had been missing out on something good for a long time;) And I’m pretty sure I will be getting a reaction just like this from Winston when he gets his first sips this year!
This year, with the boys being 3 1/2 and 1 1/2 I think it will be even more amazing. Winston already freaks out with excitement when he sees lights, so I think the whole tradition will be just magical for them!
With the boys getting bigger and bigger, especially Bray, is starting to use more regular cups instead of kids’ cups to drink. And while this is great to be able to transition to, we are quickly running out of space in our cupboards. So I asked Jeremy if he would help me whip up a cute little Coffee Cup holder to keep on the counter for easy access to extra mugs. This project was so easy, and I am so excited for all the Starbucks coffees and hot cocoas to come! I may have to look into a coffee bean subscription with the amount I’m going to be drinking because I can’t wait to keep using the tree! (don’t judge)
Wood Slice {from Michaels}
Wooden Dowel {from Michaels}
1/4 in. Metal Rod {from Home Depot}
Wood Glue
And of course, Starbucks hot cocoa from Target:)
This project was really straight forward.
-First drill a hole in the center of your wood slice. The dowel we got was 1″, so we used a 1″ drill bit for it
-Drill holes in the dowel to where you want the metal rods to be
-Cut your metal rod down to whatever size you want the arms to be
-Finally, put the metal in the holes and add some wood glue to the hole in the wood slice. Let the dowel have time to set before putting mugs on the rods. Thats it!
While you are out at Target getting all those unnecessary totally needed things we all do every time, you can grab yourself some Starbucks coffee or hot cocoa! And, get a $5 Starbucks Card e-gift when you purchase 3 or more qualifying Starbucks products!
What is your favorite thing from Starbucks? I love their hot cocoa at home, Pikes Place with cream from the drive thru, or if i’m feeling fancy- a dirty chai tea latte! Yum!

I think I need your husband to make one of these for me! Our cabinet is bursting with mugs for all of our yummy Starbucks. Very clever idea! #client
Haha i love it! Thanks Cristi!!
We drink Starbucks every day – black, no sugar.
You brave soul drinking it black!!