Hi there old friend. Have you noticed that I have been a little MIA on here lately? So sorry!
We decided to get some serious quality AND quantity family time this summer by getting a rental house up in Flagstaff, AZ. The weather is 30 degrees cooler, the surroundings are beautiful, and the home is rad! We are just loving it up here.
We have been up here for almost 1 1/2 weeks, so about 1/2 way done. We have had friends come and go, hung out with other friends that are staying up here as well, and just loved having all this time together.
There have been insane wrestling matches and pillow fights, soccer games, bike rides, walks, park dates, meals out, glowstick parties, pirate treasure hunts, YOU NAME IT- we’ve done it. And we’ve all had a lot of fun.
The kids have loved every second of it and I have no shame when I say that the adults loved it too. And if we enjoyed it, it is easy to guess how much the children did. Oh, to be a child again! Our days have been so full of excitement that when it comes to bedtime, every single one of us has been tired and that, my friends, is how you should spend your vacation.
I’m already thinking about the next time we go away. There are just so many activities that we can get stuck into. This trip hasn’t covered even half of them. I don’t know about anybody else, but I’ve always loved the idea of escape rooms, so I was thrilled to learn that you can create your own digital escape room puzzles which would be a perfect thing for us adults to do when the kids have finally gone to bed. An adult game night trying to escape from our own room? Now, that sounds like a lot of fun. Of course, if we get the chance, I would love to go to a physical escape room, but if that’s not possible, we have the next best thing right here.
Maybe we could do that when we reminisce about the memories from this trip, which I’m hoping to do when we get home. But for now, just seeing the faces of the kids lighting up with every activity we have done just makes my heart melt. I feel happy and content.
It has been really amazing- truly. Sure, there have been plenty of temper tantrums, not listening {Winston is in a FUN stage of NEVER listening!}, time outs, etc. but all these memories we are making are overriding those:) And if for nothing else, this preggo mama is obsessed with being outside in weather that feels amazing!
We also got really blessed yesterday by having Melissa take our maternity photos for our family! I would have about died if we had to take them back in Phoenix this time of year, so I am SO thankful for her and the timing of it all! I can’t wait to see them!
Most of all, I want this time to be really great quality time with the boys before they get a baby sister. I know their life is about to change drastically come September, so I want to squeeze in as much time one on one with them beforehand. And having Jeremy away from work and stress is BEYOND amazing! We love having all this uninterrupted time.
So, I will be posting still, but may be a little quiet. Family comes first:) And there are more memories to be made. See you guys soon. And I know some of you have asked for me to do a full rundown on things to do and see in Flag, so count on that at the end of this trip- because i’ve got lots!