This week I brought my little sidekick with me to the ever so fabulous Sherwin Williams to pick out some Color To Go samples. We are finally making some serious progress with the house. Everything with the leak is repaired and fixed, except the wood floors. It is a good thing that there are resources such as a foundation repair company and other professionals that can be contacted in these instances, as I think we would have been at a loss. The new wood floors will be here hopefully in a month or less. Since everything else is finished though, we have finally been able to focus our nights to little projects. That is the way we are making any progress. Spending about an hour a night, and then obviously all weekend:)
We are doing wainscoting throughout all the main living areas of this home, and wanted a soft, beautiful, grey paint to finish off the top half of the wall. Yes, that is totally what we did in our old house, but some things {in our opinion!} are too good to not repeat;)
Our three top picks of greys were:
Oh whats that? You can’t even see Ice Cube? Ya, I prob went just a little too light on that selection. It truly is a pretty light grey, but just a little too light for us. The Olympus White at first made me think it was too dark. The Snowdrop was too blue. I was totally bummed thinking that none of the samples were right, but then I did what you should always do while testing out a paint sample. Do a second coat, let it fully dry, and then look at it all throughout the day, in different lights. Obviously, in areas of your home, you are going to have a mix of artificial lighting and natural lighting so you have to factor that in, especially if you are incorporating Indoor LED Wall Lights and others that are similar in brightness, you will be able to see how it is illuminated by the light.
Once we did that, we both loved Olympus White. For us, it is the perfect shade of grey. We I initially wanted a very very light grey, but the more I thought about just how much freaking white we already have, and are going to continue to put in the house, we I realized J was probably right about needing it to be a little more light-medium hue. Sucks when they are always right, right?!
So what do you think? I know that its all the rage now to have all white walls, and I was slightly tempted to do that as well. BUT I feel like when you have so much beautiful trim that you worked so hard on, you want to have at least some sort of color to contrast the trim work and show it off. Do you like our choice?? Sure do hope so, because we are planning on starting to do at least some of the painting this weekend, whether it be just trim or the actual walls!
This is a sponsored post by Sherwin Williams. Color To Go samples were provided, opinions are my own:)

The Olympus White is awesome. You made a solid choice not going white on white- your mill-work definitely deserves the contrast!
Oh yes, totally Olympus White. I see no other choice 🙂
You live in the desert with intense sun, right? Doesn’t that light intensify colors? If you have white walls in the rooms with lots of windows, the whiteness could be blinding. I live at 8500 ft and all colors have to be grayed down a little. I would put the Olympus White, strange name, on different walls, to see the way the light hits it. If it is too intense, you can always get 75%, down to 25% of the color. Ann
Perfect choice! I love it!
I totally have to agree about going with a subtle grey with the trim. You want to show that woodwork off! The Olympus White will be amazeballs.
Did you use Olympus White semi-gloss or flat paint?
we only ever use flat on our ceilings