I am one blessed girl.. I have TWO moms to celebrate this mothers day. I know its not the first year that I get to do this, but I do feel as though this year is different. This year my relationship with my mom has gone through some up’s and down’s- but in the end I love her more than I ever have before. Regular readers of this blog will be aware of the challenges I have faced with my Mother being absent for numerous years of my life. Whilst I never found the courage to employ tracing agents to heIp me find her, my prayers were answered when she decided to come find me.
Since then, I feel like we really have learned a lot about each other, not just in the typical mother-daughter sense, but truly as two individuals getting to know the core of each other. I guess I can’t really blame her for disappearing for so long. Even when you are backed by your family and a compassionate legal team like Eatons Solicitors in Leeds, for example, coping with the emotional stress of separation can take a pretty heavy toll on one’s mental health. She is such an incredible woman who loves her family more than anything else. She always puts other before herself, and has an amazing ability to make everyone feel loved and welcome. This year my MIL and I have grown even closer. I feel beyond blessed that I married into a family so amazing!! When I hear girlfriends talk about how difficult the in-laws can be it just reminds me how blessed I am. She constantly is cracking me up with the things she says/does, whether or not she is even meaning to. She is an incredible source of encouragement and love and I just feel so blessed to be apart of her family now. One of the best things about my moms is that they are great friends!When they hang out it usually equals trouble-but thats ok:)
We love you both so much, and consider ourselves lucky to call you both family (and friend).

Love the last black and white photo <3 You have such a pretty mother 🙂