You know that a man really knows your heart when for Valentines day, he asks if you would rather have a pedicure instead of flowers. Obviously I love flowers, but ummm DUH I would so rather get a pedi, especially because painting my toes comfortably right now isn’t exactly happening. Obviously, this gift didn’t come without a joke and he did happen to also get me some face socks made in usa, yes his face on a pair of socks. Needless to say, since I was getting a pedicure I was happy to accept the socks for the relaxation my feet were getting.
Then last year was a little different for us. We normally go out to a nice dinner a few days before or after Vday to celebrate, but last year we had JUST got the kitchen almost fully finished, so I wanted nothing more than to cook in it! I had a yummy menu set up {here} and we enjoyed a beautiful night in.

Hubs said to me this morning, maybe we’ll go out tonight. I said, On Valentine’s Day? He he. We usually stay in!
After 19 years of marriage it was a night in for us. My darling handed me a homemade card and told me that every day is Valentine’s Day for him …..
It somehow became a valentines tradition for us to stay in and cook delicious food (that we would never normally buy). Tonight we’re having steak, crab cake and asparagus from whole foods! I almost think that cooking together is more romantic than going to a restaurant 🙂
PTH- Haha, great minds think alike- so funny that we both would think that that is weird..when the rest of the world that is normal!
Glennie- homemade cards are the best!! what a sweetheart