From all of your amazing suggestions, we decided to go with a great Etsy company {here} to get our laundry room door decal. The guy was so amazing to work with, even customizing the decal for us, because that would be far too easy for us to actually like something normal, right?! The decal with shipping came to a whopping $13, which we thought was totally fair, esp. with it being customized. Having something customized for your home is a brilliant feeling as it more than likely is just for you and no one else, so you get to have a piece of your very own ‘art’. Many businesses in the creative sector offer something like this and will invest in equipment such as a uv laser marking machine to create individual designs that they can sell on their Etsy store or through their own platform, building on their business and providing their customers with what they want, just like we got!
Here is the process of getting it on the door:
- Measure and mark the center point of your door.
- Make sure that the decal is level before taping to the door. We used our trusty laser level that we used when painting the office stripes {here}:
- Start peeling the back of the decal up first. Make sure to be careful and not remove the front from the tape on the door:
- Once the back is completely off {remember, slow and steady wins the race} lay the decal down, and start using the scraper starting in one corner and going to the other, to take out any and all bubbles:
- Once all bubbles are smoothed out, carefully and slowly remove the front of the decal:
- At this point, you should be finished. Unless you have an insane perfectionist of a hubby like mine. If you do, then you will proceed to make sure it is level {which once its already on, theres not much you can do- so I saw no need it double checking…but then again, i’m not a perfectionist!}. Ours was a little frustrating because the decal was level, however the window is not. When this is the case you think the decal looks off, but unfortunately theres nothing you can do. Doesn’t bother me, just the precious hubbs! Gotta love him tons and tons:)

So classy! Love it!
Hi Adri! I’m awarding you the Versatile Blog Award. You can learn more about it here
Hi Adri: I am doing this exact project to my own laundry room door. I have a question… I’m wondering since the back of my glass will be frosted should I put my vinyl decal on the back first and then frost over it? OR should I do as you have done and frost the back and put the decval on the front of the glass. How has your decal held up when you wash/clean the glass?
Thanks for the advice~
Laura Gaspard
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What did you use to frost the window. I’m hoping to do something with my pantry doors originally thought about etching but was afraid I couldn’t get it even enough
We did a tutorial for that here: