Tell me friends, are you on Instagram? I have had this app downloaded on my iPhone for a long time now, and really just started using it this week. I’m not going to lie, I was a bit skeptical about it at first because me and apps haven’t had a great past. There have been quite a few apps that I have downloaded in the past that have had malicious software attached to it, and has only made me want to look further into what is cybersecurity and why we need it. I’ve always had an idea about its importance but until you are in the situation yourself, your emotions only increase. Luckily, the malicious software that I had didn’t cause too much of an issue, and this is probably why it has taken me so long to get around to using Instagram.
For a long time I would simply use it to edit a photo here and there- not even realizing other people could see my photos {whoops}. Now however, I love it! I take a million photos daily, usually most on my phone, so its a fun way to have them all gathered together, and sometimes get funny feedback on them. When I first downloaded Instagram, my only intention was to post pictures for my own enjoyment. I didn’t really care about how many followers I had, but now, all of that has changed. It’s good to be popular, even if it is just on social media. Whether it’s Instagram likes or followers on Twitter, gaining popularity on social media is something we all want. Even on new apps, as reviewed on this link, Clubhouse is up and coming – and we all want to be a part of it! Seeing people who I don’t know liking my photos and writing a comment gives me joy, and I’d love nothing more than to be able to interact with more people. That’s when my friend told me that Instagram growth services like Nitreo, (find out How it works here), can help you to target a specific audience if you only post about certain things, as well as helping you to increase your following. She said it has been so effective for her and is now recommending it to her employer so they can begin marketing on social media too. When it comes to social media, the options of what you can achieve are limitless. I’d like to expand my presence online so I’m trying out a variety of social media platforms. I’m thinking about giving YouTube a go but I know getting started can be difficult; I could use something like to give my channel’s figures and ranking a boost to help future organic growth. For now, though, I’m happy experimenting with Instagram.
If you want to follow me and see a million and one photos of my pups, food, and random life inspiration then search “Dreambookdesign” click on it, and start Following! I would love to have some new friends on there, and follow you back as well:)
I’ll give you little peek into what this week has been for me, naturally just starting out I will take photos of the things nearest and dearest to, pups, and sweet cards from J;)
Im sure I will be posting a ton of photos of the nursery projects as they get underway too! So follow along if you want, and I look forward to see some of you on there:) Happy weekend
i love instagram.just started following you. in fact, we have some of the same photos – girl scout cookies and heart shaped doughnuts.
also, i like phonto app bc you can add words onto the photos.
hooray for instagram.
user name: chvassar
I love using instagram! i started following you and would love if you followed me as well 🙂
username- morganshea20
praying for you and J as you get ready for the sweet baby boy!
Morgan Daymude
I’m a new follower of your pictures! Instagram is new to me too so I’m excited to add more friends!