When life gets busy, projects still get done, but just not written about:) We painted the laundry room and added a few details, oh you know, two months ago! So sorry for the serious time delay, but I am so excited to show you our laundry rooms current state.
I wish that I had an awesome Before shot of this room, but that is sort of impossible. This room didn’t exist when we moved in. We switched around a bathroom for a laundry room, because we wanted my parents to have a full bathroom instead of the half bath that was originally there. So this is basically the best ‘Before’ I can give you, and its once we moved the cabinet {that we DIY’d the countertop for} and the washer/dryer.
This room is not exactly large, so we have to be smart with the space. I do all the laundry, and I know myself well. I am always eager to get stuff washed, but never eager to put it away. Because of that I know that I need lots of folding space to be able to ignore hold off on putting stuff away right away. I love having the large countertop space, and I love even more having the bar cart in there for even more space. The top is often used as a ‘holding’ spot, while the bottom wooden crate is where I toss any dirty clothes, dish towels, etc. in to until I decide to do a full load of laundry. Having a messy boy, I feel like having some sort of basket/crate is necessary for your laundry room. If I had to walk back in to his room every time I needed to toss a filthy shirt off from being outside, it would be insane!
Also, knowing that we didn’t have a ton of space, we tried to keep the fun in the details. For instance, this is our door stopper. My sweet mom picked it up for us at an antique store in Flagstaff:
And this is a fun vintage hook that holds the, not so pretty, but necessary cleaning supplies in here. Have I mentioned again just how much I am obsessed with using these two things for the best hardwood floor cleaner ever?!
The beautiful, AND CHEAP light fixture we got at Zinnias at Melrose a few months back. We totally scored on this one, and only paid $30! We set it up on a dimmer so that I can have it blaring or soft, but often times it is blaring since there are no windows in this room:(
And the last fun little detail is the mirror. We got this mirror back when we bought a lot of them at a local auction. The great thing about buying a lot of something that you know you love, is that you will always end up finding a place for it. Back when we bought those six mirrors I had no idea where they would all end up, but now one more has its home.
As for the paint color, it is Sherwin Williams Sea Salt. Its hard to come off in photos because of no natural light in the room, so here is a better example. I am loving how this room is coming together. Per our usual selves, it is not fully finished. I still want something on the wall above the bar cart, and we desperately need to install some sort of DIY pole to hang clothes from. But for now? For now I am just so happy to have paint, crown and baseboards, and folding counters:)
What do you think? Also, would love to see some of your laundry rooms- anyone up for sharing some inspiration?? Love you guys!

Love it! Totally my style. The antique light fixture is the best! I keep hearing about Zinnias. I’ve got to get myself over there to check it out!
We have found awesome stuff almost every time at Zinnias! For sure worth your time:)
Looks great! I love the simplicity.
Thanks Leah!!
Hello! Longtime reader! 🙂 My son is a few months younger than Bray and I have enjoyed following your adventures with a toddler and of course your adventures in DIY. 🙂
You’ve mentioned either your parents or J’s (I forget) live with you. It looks like your home is really nicely setup for that – providing privacy for you guys and for the parents, so everyone has their own space. Wondering if you’d be comfortable showing us how it works and where the parents are setup. I might need to move my mom in with us at some point and I’m always curious how others integrate a parent/parents into their homes. Love your blog! It’s been a constant source of entertainment/inspiration for a while now.
Brooke- I have it set to show yall how it really works next week on the blog! It is such a great set-up! Thanks so much for the encouragement- you are super sweet!
I ran across this old ladder idea on pinterest today for hanging stuff in the laundry room. Thought maybe you guys could do something like this above the bar cart, making it look more your style of course.
I am also with Brooke above, would love to see a floor plan of the house! Keep up the good work guys!
of course I forgot to post the link! Pregnant brain!
So awesome looking! I would love that! Also- we are going to run a post next week showing how it all works with my parents:)
My laundry room/pantry is called Sea Salt as well, but I think it’s a MS color from Home Depot. Love that color!