I’m pretty sure i’ve made it clear that I am super blessed to have Melissa Young as a best friend, but in case I haven’t- I am one LUCKY lady! Who else can say that their best friend has a heart of gold andย a serious talent with photography {well I guess some of you could}?! She came over last week and snapped up some photos of Braylen and I. Of course he was sleeping beautifully up until about four minutes before she got here, and then he was mostly wide awake. Some would think that you would want your baby awake for photos- but not when they are newborns! When they are that young, and sleeping, you can totally position them however you want…but not this day!

Let me start with.. He is absolutely beautiful! You look fabulous! And the nursery is adorable!!! I love the idea of hanging newborn and maternity pics! You’re doing a great job Momma!
Absolutely beautiful and so heartfelt. I adore your crib. And look at you after a baby – fantastico!
He is so precious. I don’t want to say it, but it makes me want one! ๐
He is so precious and adorable! I am amazed at how great you look! You don’t even look like you just had a baby. I am so jealous!! lol Can’t wait to see the nursery.
What a beautiful baby boy!!! You’re glowing, and the nursery looks great!
I love your pictures and I LOVE your nursery. Congrats again!
It might be cute to do some “wave” or “nautical” fabric to play off the gorgeous nautical painting over the crib….I did a search on Etsy for “wave fabric” and theres some nice stuff on there…best of luck to you…Braylen and the nursery are gorgeous!
He is just so darn adorable and you look amazing! Congrats! My brother & sister-in-law recently had a little boy, Grayden in March of this year and he had awful reflux. The poor little guy was basically miserable most of the time. After much debate they put him on prevacid to help control it. I know they went back and forth as he is so little to be on something like that, but they said that it has made a world of differnce. Hopefully everything works out for your little guy and fingers crossed that he will just grow out of it :).
I had to put my sweet baby girl on medicine for reflux from 8 week to 4 months and it was a life saver…she was my second. My first had the same issues and i rode the storm no meds but it was a very loong and difficult 4 months.You will know what is best for your sweet little man..congrats and you look amazing!!
Tricia literally took every word out of my mouth! So I will just second her comment! Can’t wait to see you guys next weekend and meet the new little man!! <3
Oh he’s so squishy-face adorable! And I love your crazy hair! Great pictures of you two ๐
He is so sweet! I love the picture with the dog! You look amazing!!!
My friend’s baby had reflux and she said reducing the amount of dairy products she consumed made a big difference and avoiding spicy foods and onions/peppers. I hope you are able to find relief for him soon.
Your son is absolutely adorable and his room looks terrific. I have to say you look more then amazing as well.It doesn’t even look like you had a baby….
These photos are amazing!! Love the one with the little guy on the pile of books!
AND, the nursery looks SO great!!
Congrats on the new bundle!
Congratulations on the birth of your sweet baby boy! I’ve had two kids and had to go through the trial and error of figuring out the reflux/gas issue. Not fun! I feel your pain. The gassy veggies are definitely a culprit. With my son, it was dairy. Within 24 hours of me giving up dairy he was so much better. It also helps if they sleep on an incline. They have newborn sleep aides that help with this. They are like a foam wedge that keeps them propped up, but doesn’t let them roll off. My kids also slept much better in their little bouncer things than in a crib/bassinet when they were newborn and had reflux – again, I think it’s the incline. Good luck! Annisa
Beautiful pictures… LOVE babies!! My two boys both were thought to have “reflux” and even started on Zantac. Didn’t work. Only thing that helped was me cutting ALL dairy and soy out of my diet!! Reading all labels, and staying away from most preservatives. In the end, plain butter ended up being ok, and using coconut milk (from the can) ended up being a great replacement. Before I figured that out, we had many many sleepless evenings and nights, random vomiting episodes, screaming, and a very frustrated mom and dad! Oh, and a persistent butt rash and occasionally blood in the stool. 100% reversal of symptoms. Try it for 2 weeks if nothing else works! Was magical for me.
He is so so so so darling! Thanks for sharing!
Congrats, you are both so beautiful, what a blessing!!!
Check out Melissa’s blog, dearbabyblog.com – her son had bad reflux and I’m sure she’ll offer many tips and advice if you ask ๐
I am a lurker but couldn’t help but comment on this post. Your baby is adorable. You both look so beautiful. I am so happy for you! Can’t wait to see the “after” nursery.
I have admired your blog from afar for some time now..I just wanted to say a HUGE congrats! Braylenis just perefction. Your blog truley inspires me and your DIY projects are always so informative & amazing. My *new* husband & I are going through a major reno at the moment (mostly doing ourselves) and we are planning on adding to our family very soon. Your blog posts during your pregnancy were also incredible – thankyou for sharing. x
Where is that beautiful crib from?! Please share!! ๐
Thanks so much everyone!!!! I appreciate the kind words and advice on the reflux! Y’all are amazing.
Ashley-we got the crib on Craigslist:)