Hi friends! Yesterday ended up being an insane day. As you guys know, I’ve got two dogs — Honey and Boomer. We love them both very dearly and would do anything for them. We get premium dog food, hire a Dog Walking Kingston service if we’re ever away from home, take them for checkups, and supply them with endless toys! We love them so much that when anything happens to them, we take it very seriously. Boomer was in some pain the other day so we took him to the vet and he ended up needing surgery. It went fine (thankfully) and he was on the road to recovery. But then poor Boomer started limping out of nowhere and I decided it was time to take him in to get his stitches out. Well, he was a little infected and two spots weren’t growing together properly so they had to take all the stitches out and add two new ones. Thank God it was Jeremy that brought him to the vet because he said he could hear Boomer crying in the back, and if it was me there I would have freaking lost it. He is back at home now sporting an awesome Cone. Haha, poor little guy! We are so lucky that we have access to this type of pet care, I couldn’t imagine what we would do if we didn’t. If you are not registered with a vet yet as you’ve moved, for instance, you can click here and take a look at what’s available as well as check your local area for vet practices so you can keep your pet fighting fit right alongside you.

You guys are so cute – such an exciting time!!
We have the exact same car seat – same fabric and everything (great choice!). We didn’t bother reading the instructions at all and had quite the time trying to figure out how to get Kenton in it when we were leaving the hospital! And the nurses were no help at all. 🙂
Thanks Christine- it definitely is!
Michelle- no way! perfect! haha, i love it. I am hoping by us reading some it will prevent us from looking like fools;)
You inspired me to finally take our Peg Perego (in pois black rather than grey) carseat out of its box and give it a try….interesting how you can’t access the manual until you figure out how to detach the seat from the base! Your husband shouldn’t be embarrassed that it took 5 minutes to figure out–it took us about the same@