After sawing it off he sanded the bottom for a more smooth finish.ย
Were still not sure if we are completely done with this guy. We were thinking a fun bold color on it could really make a splash in the living room. And considering we only paid $35 for it, were not too worried about ‘ruining’ an antique piece by painting it. What do you think? To paint or not to paint?!ย

Paint! It’ll look fabulous ๐
Paint paint paint!!!!!!! Something bright an fun like yellow or turquoise!!! Good luck cAnt wait to see it!!
Paint it!! My husband and I bought an antique ice box, and we’re in the process of stripping the paint. The end result will be a bright country red, to add some color to our kitchen ๐
I say paint it for sure! I know some people would freak out about ruining the ‘antique’ value, but it’s make it what you want!
I would say restain the face of the wood and all the trim pieces paint it a fun colour. That way both the radio would pop and bring some fun colour into the home with out loosing its beautiful wood look.I would say stain it a dark walnut and the trim a fun red = )…tonya
Paint! Paint! It will look awesome!
I can’t imagine it painted, I have one VERY similiar and can’t wait to see what you do.. Mine is a recent find and I had planned on restoring it, now I’m diffently waiting to see what you do.
PAINT, I was thinking bright yellow or bright grass green how fun and what a great idea.deeru
Paint it, paint it, paint it!!! Whoo hoo, I’m so excited to see what you do!
definitely paint it! what a great find! Kate x
very cool. I guess it depends on how much wood you have in the room. I know your floors are wood.. but do you have a lot of other wood pieces? Anyway- I love the wood, but I also think it would be great to balance out with a bright, fun color!
Paint, paint, paint!!!
I guess the vote is unanimous, but I shall amen it! Maybe even distressing it to add to the antique-ness of it all!
The first thing that came to mind was paint it, cut off the front and add hinges to it so that you could hide a mini fridge inside. I bet J would love this on game day and you wouldn’t be stuck with an ugly eye-sore like a mini fridge in your livingroom.
If you don’t paint it put something colorful behind like a print or framed map. check out the link with the map behind a radio with turquoise pottery on top. You are so lucky to have your handy husband. I cut wood, but sometimes I can’t get it so straight.
Have fun! Hal
So I think i’m hearing yall right when I say that we should not paint it..JUST KIDDING! Its pretty apparent that we really have no other choice;) Painting it it is, and possibly putting in a mini fridge on the inside..haha cause that would be just plain awesome!
Thanks for all the opinions friends, you guys are the best!
Im normally a painted furniture kinda gal….but I have to be honest, I really love this as a wood piece. I might cry if it gets painted ๐
I hope you didn’t paint it! My mother has one that has doors on it and she always kept her dvds in it, I fell in love with the piece and she would never give it up, after much searching on craigslist I finally found one of my own the woman said she was going to paint it white, I was HORRIFIED! I got some Old English and it made such a difference, I need to show it off but I gutted the insides and ordered glass shelves. Now it’s my entertainment center and get so many compliments. OLD ENGLISH! if you dont like it after, paint it.