Everyone has that one room in their house that is just kinda blah, right? That was our friend’s office. It had gotten to the point where it wasn’t even super functional, which is never a good thing. That’s where our best friends over at Modern Manor came in. They came in a did a full makeover. Offices are traditionally inside the house as it is often seen as more convenient and luxurious to have it inside. However, if an individual was to have a large amount of space outside of their house, on their property then they might choose to have their office outside the house, which would then leave extra space in their house. This could be done with studio sheds or through building another outbuilding that can help to house the amenities needed in an office.
The office was shifting from a traditional office to more of a counseling office. You see- the owners of this house are the most incredible people. They have such a heart for others and the Lord, and because of that- they wanted a full-blown counseling room – somewhat like the office space provided by builders such as Ethical Property. I mean, come on, who is really that incredible? They freaking are!
Really, who gets to decide about office interior and furniture? Truthfully, you can design your office in whatever way you want. You can use a gaming desk instead of a normal desk in the office if you are into gaming. Convert your office into a gaming hub! And, if you are actually considering the idea, you can probably check out https://serp.co/best/gaming-desks/ or other review sites. Anyway, back to the room makeover. This is how it all started:
And how it ended:
Now for some details of the room. Everything in here {minus the shelving accessories} originally came from Craigslist, Estate sales, or Auctions. Just goes to show that you can have amazing items from the most random places! Here is the original source list:
Tufted ottoman: This was actually an old coffee table that they then turned in to an ottoman. They sell a variety of these beauties at Modern Manor.
Danish lounge chairs: Fun tip on these chairs- they are totally different chairs!! By getting them reupholstered the same it saves you money, since a matching pair is harder {and more expensive} to come by than individual chairs. Purchased at Modern Manor
Sofa- Craigslist, reupholstered and purchased at Modern Manor
Pillows from Marshalls Homegoods. All were $20-$30 each. Down filled.
Throw- Marshalls Homegoods $15
Platter- vintage dansk purchased at Modern Manor
Little fold-able end table- estate sale $5
Lamp behind sofa- estate sale $30
G sign- purchased at Modern Manor
Mirror- homeowners
Map- online government auction
How incredible is this room? I love that not only are the people that get to go in to it being blessed by talking with the G family, but also are getting to do it in a beautifully decorated space.
What are your thoughts? Love it as much as we do??

Oh what a cozy room!!! Love it. I want to curl up with a book in there right now.
I am in love with this room!
Thanks much if you can answer!. . The second part, what I’m trying to say is…can I get a MIDI off a CD? Or it is something special that would have to be manipulated and reformated?.