So I had this cute post all done up for today showcasing some of my most favorite Christmas trees floating around blog land for inspiration, and then I read MODG blogs latest post. Personally I don’t post anything on here about J and my financial situation, because truth be told- its no ones business but ours, but its ironic that last night when J got home, we re-evaluated our own budget to be more wise. MODG’s Operation WANA {we are not a**holes} started because one reader left a comment about about how MODG blows thru her money, yet says she’s on a budget. So in reply to that readers comment MODG wrote a very sarcastic post saying how rich she is {she incorporated Nene from the Real Housewives of Atlanta to make it even better{please tell me i’m not the only one who pathetically loves all of the RHO wherever!}} What she didn’t realize would happen is something magical. People started saying their ‘needs’ in the comments section, and others offered to help. So she created the Operation WANA post, and it is amazing how many people are offering to help those in need. I literally just sat there for 30 minutes bawling my pregnant eyes out reading through the comments.
Basically readers are leaving in the comments specific things that they are desperately in need of. For some its food {grocery store gift cards} some its clothes for their kids, and some its toys so that their kids will get to have a Christmas. People are totally stepping up to help, even if they can’t give financially, they are offering services, or their kids used clothes. It is really incredible to see strangers helping strangers.
If you are in need, or are in the position to help someone out this holiday season {and don’t know where you want to direct your funds to yet} go to this post. Its nothing short of Christmas miracles happening over there. Happy weekend everyone:)
I’m not familiar with “MODG”. Could you please include a link to it? Thank you.
the website is and it’s the second post and miracles are certainly happening over there.
Will there be a operation wana “we are not assholes” 2016? I’ve tried accessing and cannot locate it.
I think she deleted her blog:(