Like i’ve said before, J and I are on a deadline to get some rooms in our home finished. One being our bedroom. We have been married for almost 3 1/2 years, and have never owned night stands. Pretty sad, huh!? We cannot for the life of us decide on what type of night stand we want. A classic own drawer simple one, a mid-century one, and rustic one, the list goes on. I thought I even found a possible option the other day while taking out the recycling {i never take out the trash, so this was so random that I was even in the alley doing this}. I found these large stumps, and thought..hmm..night stand?!
Turns out that J didn’t like my light bulb moment as much as I thought he would, bummer. I did however agree with him that we definitely do want a stand with a drawer. If we’ve gone this long without night stands, we want ones that are fully functioning when we do finally get some!
Anyway- do y’all have any great DIY night stands that you’ve done or seen lately? Preferably one with at least one drawer? Show me some links in the comments if you do know of some. Thanks so much friends! Have a fun and safe weekend!!!!!

Oh the hunt for a good nightstand. I was vigilant and knew I wanted vintage/vintage looking bed side tables, so I checked my local antique stores, Etsy and Craigslist constantly. Found a gorg pair on Etsy finally and am just waiting now. Good luck! My advice is to just look EVERYWHERE! xoxo
I did one of those for my mom’s house and my hubby told me if she didn’t like it he’d take it. You should find a place for one somewhere, they’re very cool looking.
You totally should still do something with the stumps. Here is a project I am taking on soon:
Ikea Rast has a three-drawer dresser that is a good size for a nightstand. It comes unfinished so you can do whatever you want with it. We stained ours to match the stain on our Ana-White bed.
I had an antique vanity that was my great grandmothers. It was in pretty bad shape, so we decided to take it apart and make two night stands out of it. You can see the pics here:
I have to agree with your husband about the stumps. Palm tree stumps just don’t have the same texture to me as “real” 🙂 tree stumps (can you tell I am not from these parts) palm tree stumps look like chopped off elephant legs to me. Disturbing!:) Now if they were real tree stumps I’d say yes, paint them bright white and go for it!
I can picture you with very sleek and old Hollywood mirrored nightstands. Miss Mustard Seed has a tutorial to make your own I think. I know you are familiar with her blog because that is how I found/became addicted to your blog!
I actually have a clint looking for a tree stump for an end table~ great idea <3
I made floating night stands about 2.5 years ago. We only had them up at the apartment…..and we’ve been married for almost 5 years and havent had nightstands for more than like 3 months of that time. yeesh!
you know why? because i can’t decide what i want! haha!
oh, and the link, of course:
Hi Adriana!
first of all, I love your Blog! Your ideas are great, and you two are such a handy pair. I started my own blog not too long ago, and it’s safe to say I am mildly obsessed with card catalogs as well,lol! Check out this side table/night stand I made
maybe it will give you some good ideas… I’d love to hear what you think.