Have you heard of One Little Word before? Ali Edwards explains it as pinpointing one guiding principle and then walking with that word throughout the year. I love the idea of this. Something to focus on, to meditate on, to truly follow through with throughout the year.
I have been thinking for awhile what I would want my word to be, and I keep coming back to:
I want to be transparent in all areas of my life. I feel like especially in this social media and blogging world, everything is made to look so freaking perfect. So magazine worthy. And personally, I am tired of it. I would much rather see peoples real life on their IG, than just perfectly styled photos. Don’t get me wrong, I understand and enjoy that people like to keep things positive, but thats different than putting on a front.
Instead of showing you just a photo of my family room when it is perfectly cleaned {which is not that often}, I want to show how it looks on a normal day. Instead of putting on a brave face always, I want to share the highs, AND the lows. Instead of only putting up a selfie {maybe I should stop these in general!} when I feel like I look good, I won’t hesitate to post a photo when I look like a hot mess.
On the blog, I don’t want to just wait to post on projects once they are completely finished and styled. I want to let y’all in on the process more. Share more about my real life struggles. I don’t know about you guys, but I truly love when I can relate to others through the challenges life throws at us.
In my personal life, with family and friends, I want to be more open and honest. I don’t feel like I hold back much from those that are close to me, but I do admit to trying to put on a brave face to most. I want to be transparent, let others in more.
So thats my word for the year. I hope to apply it in all areas of my life. What do you want your One Little Word to be? Please leave a link if you have already done a post on your One Little Word, or better yet- share you word in the comments! I would truly love to know what is driving you all this year.

I love this idea! My one little word is going to be “authentic”. To me its along the same lines as transparent. I enjoy the process of the design even more so than the gloriously styled finished project. It makes it more real and authentic to see that it doesn’t always go as you planned in your head. The hot mess makes you relateable b/c we all have those days
Love this Jess. Thank you!! I am really hoping to apply it to all areas of life!!
I am with you all the way, this is so true, and I will probably start reading all your posts now without skipping any.
Thanks Rania!
I think I’ve landed on “patient” 🙂
Needed with having kids, right?! Good one:)
LOVE. I am praying to bring love where ever I go and to do everything with love. Most of all I want to love people who I know are not even capable of love.
I’ve been a little caught up with reciprocity and I pray that this year God will teach me to just love.
Thats an awesome word for the year!!