Look what I got in the mail this week!!!!
I love me some OBB! I seriously felt like a little kid on Christmas morning, reading through, not being able to study each page enough before I felt the sudden urge to turn to the next one for more goodies. I honestly sat on my couch and read through each and every page the night I got it, and even looked at it all again the next morning!
Kate and Sara did it right. They have a ton of their online recipes in here, with also about 40 new ones! Which for a person like me, who has already made almost everything of theirs, I was ecstatic over the new ones! The book itself was so thought-out. They made it hard-cover, but the inside is spiral {which in my opinion is the best way to have it}. They even have a ‘roll-over’ index which is super helpful.

i am so jealous of your flower beds. i can’t wait until it is warm enough here in tennessee to plant some COLOR! have a great weekend.