My pregnancy with Bray- photo by Melissa Young Photo
I have had a lot of friends asking questions during this pregnancy, so I thought I would just put them all in one spot and answer a bunch! Sorry if this post doesn’t concern you at all, and boys- maybe just advert your eyes for this one:)
Did you try for a girl? If so, what did you do?
So this one is funny. I wanted a girl so badly, but I also knew that if I really put time and effort in to ‘trying’ specifically for a girl, and then didn’t get one- I would be even more sad. SO both Jeremy and I made a decision to not ‘try’ for a girl or boy, to just do it;) But in the end, it was like we tried for a girl. When trying to get pregnant I always use Ovulation tests to help me track the right timing. So we had sex one day, then two days later I got a positive Ovulation test… meaning it was time we really needed to get busy. I made sure Jeremy wasn’t watching any of the videos he likes on TubeV Sex so that he would be ready to have lots of sex. BUT, when I came home from a girls dinner that night, Braylen had just thrown up multiple times, ALL over Jeremy. So needless to say, there was no baby making that night. Then the next day I ovulated. When trying for a girl, they say you want to have sex as far away from Ovulation as you can – and we did, basically by having sex 3 full days before. Girl swimmers supposedly can swim slower and longer, whereas boy swimmers swim fast and then die. I nearly made my husband learn How to cum more so that we had a better chance of prolonging the swimmer’s lives. If I didn’t get pregnant when I did, he would definitely need to learn how to produce more semen because we’d certainly be having a lot more sex!
There are a bunch of other things you can do to supposedly do to get whatever gender you are trying for, but the timing is definitely the most proven one…and yet still isn’t foolproof. And yes, we literally got pregnant from having sex one time. I know it happens to some couples, but I didn’t expect us to be one of them. It probably helped that we looked at videos, similar to those that you can find at “EhoCams – free sex cams and live porn chat” to get us in the mood, so we could take our intimacy to a whole new level. And it clearly worked. This little girl was seriously meant to be.
Did you think it was a girl? Was the beginning of this pregnancy different?
I thought it could be a girl because a lot of things were different. For starters, with both boys I tested positive on pregnancy tests 9-10 days after I ovulated. With her, I was negative until 13 days after. I had 100% thought I wasn’t pregnant because of it. I even told Jeremy we weren’t, went out and had sushi and a drink! Yikes. But I thought there was NO way with only having sex that one time, and testing negative when I would’ve been positive in the past! Some couples have to try so many times, I had one friend who would use porn to stimulate her partner more so they could have more sex to make their child Go now and see popular fuck vids at hdpornvideo xxx if you’re interested in giving that a go yourself. But anyway, that was the first sign that something was different. The blaring sign though was the morning sickness. With Bray I was only nauseous for seriously like two days, Winston for maybe a week- and only for a few hours of the day. With her though, I was nauseous all day, every day, for 7 weeks. I also was {and still kind of am} breaking out like a teenager, where with the boys my skin was better than ever.
Even with all those differences, I still told myself it wasn’t a girl, and they were all different just because its my third. So excited that thats not the case:)
How are you using essential oils during your pregnancy?
I use oils every day, pregnant or not- but they do change a little when pregnant. I used a lot of Ginger and Lemon when I was dealing with Morning sickness. I drink Ningxia Red daily, 2 oz. for an AMAZING antioxidant and energy boost. I made a new Pregnancy Immunity roller that i roll on my feet every night before bed- especially since pregnancy generally lowers your immune system. I use Joy and Stress Away alllllll day because- hello- pregnancy hormones are no joke and this mama needs to stay happy! My face serum is just Jojoba carrier oil and a ton of essential oils. I’ll do a separate post when it gets closer to birth on how I plan to incorporate them there.
What do you use for stretch marks?
For stretch marks I use Mama Mio oil and I mix in a drop of Gentle Baby essential oil and Frankincense essential oil. It not only works amazing, but it smells heavenly.
Did it take you long to get pregnant this time, or with the boys?
No, we have been VERY blessed in this department. With both boys, we got pregnant the second cycle of trying, and with her- the first. SO thankful for that, as I know that is not the norm at all.
What vitamins do you use for nursing?
I take the same vitamins that I do during pregnancy for nursing. I take a great prenatal that my Chiro recommends- Innate Response. I also take Fermented Cod Liver Oil, Life 5 Probiotic from Young Living, and esp. during winter months Super C from Young Living.
What oils do you avoid during pregnancy/conception?
There is quite a big and different list between what oils are ok or not. I generally avoid singles or blends that include: Basil, Birch, Calmus, Cassia, Cinnamon Bark, Hyssop, Idaho Tansy, Lavandin, Rosemary, White Fir, Wintergreen, Thyme, Sage, Terragon, Dragon Time, Exodus II, Grounding, Mister, and Clary Sage.
What brand prenatals do you take?
What kind of prep do you do to prepare for birth? Stretching/workouts/etc
I try and maintain a workout routine 3x a week throughout my whole pregnancy. I wasn’t able to do much this first trimester since my nausea was ALL day for 7 weeks, but after that was over- it was back at it! I change up what I do as the pregnancy goes on, but it always has some sort of cardio and weights mixed in.
Thats it! If you want to know something I didn’t answer, leave it in the comments:)