Like I said yesterday, we have had a ton of projects in the works lately. I feel like there isn’t a corner in the house that isn’t in some sort of transition. I constantly have paint, caulk, or saw dust covering my hands. I am tired. BUT I am so freaking excited. The projects are all going great and the harder we work the faster the house gets to be our home.
Our biggest project happening right now is the stairs makeover:
So far we have sanded down hand rail and post, added a piece of trim to the jacked up side, and re-stained {in a stain to match our wood, as opposed to the prior cherry wood stain} it. All the spindles and base will be painted white. It is going to look so much better once it is all finished.
We also got a new dining room table, moved in the card catalog, actually hung something on the walls, finished more doors and windows trim, and last but NOT least, got the glass shelves in for the built-ins. Now that we have those, all thats left is styling the shelves, and we are done and ready for a slew of tutorials for y’all.
Its been busy over here needless to say. And even more will get finished this weekend. Heres to getting this house in order ASAP! Happy Friday friends!