Saturday mornings.. When my Saturday mornings consist of a little of this- and a little of this- and a little of this- I am happy, blessed, and in love. What makes your Saturday mornings great? I hope a lot of things… And if not- well then you can just come on over and borrow one of my things: <3 Adri Share this:GooglePinterestFacebookTwitter
The Schossow's says April 1, 2010 at 11:12 pm Love this. Good documenting sister. Love you. Soon your Saturday mornings will be a little less peacefull with a pup around- early morning CRAZY!!!!
Love this. Good documenting sister. Love you. Soon your Saturday mornings will be a little less peacefull with a pup around- early morning CRAZY!!!!
awww congrats on the new puppy!! so exciting 🙂