Do you guys ever wonder how much of social media is real? How much of the photos, status updates, tweets, are a real depiction of that persons life?
Those are questions that I hear all.the.time.
For this reason, and almost this reason alone, I don’t like social media sometimes. There are honestly two reasons why I don’t like it, that being one, and the other being that it sucks up my time. But there are also some amazing things about it as well, like being able to visit buzzoid, if I ever feel like I am not improving my online presence as successfully as I would like or even if I want to create a better first impression through social media. At least this way, I know that I have options. There’s more, so, lets dive in to it, shall we?
No-one can please everyone. No matter what. There are people on Facebook that write status updates complaining about stuff in their life, and some people see that as them ‘keeping it real’ and some people see that as them just complaining, and that they should keep it to themselves. Then there are the people that typically write positive status updates about their life. Now people view that as either ‘yay, so glad their life is good’ or, ‘man, they are full of crap’. OR theres the other response as well, the response of that person not liking you because they feel like your life is always good, and thats just not fair. So pretty much, no-one can please everyone. But does that/should that stop us from writing and showing what we want??
I think not.
I think that people are going to perceive your posts and photos exactly how they want to. They are either going to be happy for you that you are having a good day, or resentful of your good day. They are going to think that you need to stop dwelling on the bad, or they are going to be so glad that they have someone to commiserate with about their hard times. And to be honest, I don’t think that there’s much you can do about it to sway their thoughts. Maybe if you used an instagram bot called KENJI you would be able to obtain many more likes which could help increase your self-confidence about your posts.
I personally try to keep my social media accounts, this blog, my life outside the WWW very, very real. I try to be as transparent as possible. If I was to ever find a way to get free followers on a platform like Instagram, this is not something I would hide from the rest of my followers. I believe that transparency is not only a gift for you but also for others. It allows you to be yourself and frees you to share openly. It allows others to truly know you. To know the good and the bad. It allows you to connect with others in ways that you couldn’t if you weren’t transparent. So if I started out on social media and I wanted to buy verified Instagram account, I would say from the get-go that I have done because it’s all about the content and what you can offer, not where you’ve started. Now with that being said, there are still so many people that perceive me as fake. As someone who sugar coats life. There are many that think that I only post positive things on this blog and my social media, as to sway you into believing that my life is all rainbows and bubble gumdrops. But guess what? It’s not. And I never claimed that it was.
My life, everyday, has its hardships. Whether it be my family issues, my own personal issues, or random daily crap, it can all be hard. But…and heres the but. I believe that life is what you make of it. I know I am blessed, and I never take that for granted. I am thankful. I am grateful for my life. For the good and the bad. Obviously, the bad isn’t fun to deal with, but it makes me appreciate the good that much more. And for social media, I want to share the positive with others. I want to be an update, or an image, that redirects someones thoughts and makes them point out the good in their day. I am not trying to fake anything. I am trying to encourage. To uplift. To make others stop and think- be thankful. I am never wanting something I write or post to make others feel down about themselves or their circumstances. That is the worst feeling ever knowing that something you posted affected someone in a negative way. That is not my goal, and I don’t think its many others goals either.
So, lets be real. Lets post the real us. I think if you are someone who wants to post a photo of your daily routine- as simple as you loading your laundry machine, then you do it. If it makes you happy, but it doesn’t interest others- then thats ok. If you are someone who only wants to post super inspirational updates and photos, thats ok too. Others might find it phony- and thats ok too- because you can’t please everyone. And if you are someone who needs to use social media as a place to vent, well- thats ok too. Again, some won’t like it- but then again, some people don’t like ice cream {so clearly the universe can’t please everyone}.
The WWW and your social media accounts are only going to show what you put on them. Now, people will perceive it how they want to, BUT it is you who is in control of the content. So lets all try and remember that. Lets be as transparent as possible, but also take everything with a grain of salt.
Am I making any sense?! Sometimes I get on these rants and then I end them feeling like I just word vomited on you all. My point is, social media is a beautiful tool, when used right. It can be very misleading, if thats what the person is trying to do. It can also be interpreted very wrong. But, it can also be a great tool to connect others. It can create a sense of community. To foster relationships that would have else-wise never taken place. It is as transparent as the person wants it to be. It is uplifting and deflating {when someone misperceives you}. I think the hardest thing that social media has done for me is made me think-twice. I think twice about a lot of what I post. I have had some serious negative feedback from things. I realize as someone who puts themselves ‘out there’ that there is going to be all sorts of negative feedback from people that don’t know me in real life. But the thing that stings the most is when the people that do know me in real life, feel like my social media {IG, FB, blog, etc} portrays something that is not real. Ouch. It leads me to not always post the fun and good things happening, in order to not come off as someone who lives in the clouds. But I am done with that. From now on I am posting what I want. I hope that people can believe me when I say life is good, and when I say life is hard. That they will rejoice in the happy pictures but know that struggles come along side those as well. Because, if I am not being real with my own stuff, whats the point anyway?
What is your guys take on it? Do you love social media and find it to be a positive thing in your life? Have you ever had to step away from it because it was discouraging you? Do you feel mislead by some- and do you really think thats the truth, or that you sometimes are just misperceiving them? I would love to hear your thoughts. For two reasons, one- to see if I am not the only one who is so torn on how they view social media. Two- to know that people are still reading this insane rant of mine:)
And just so you know, tomorrow i’m going to Instagram a photo of me washing my dishes, complaining that i’m doing so, and end the caption with an uplifting quote…hope you enjoy it;)

I feel like you do that it can be awesome sometimes and kinda ugly other times. I don’t like when people use their facebook to debate politics or social issues, its just not the right place and I think people say things they never would if they were face to face with the person. I have never felt you to be fake in your blog at all. You do have lots of great photos of your home and it can seem intimidating, but you are very honest about the work it took to make it that way and the time that it took as well. So I think that is being real. I have to admit there are some blogs out there that do make me feel a little stressed, I know it is not their intent, but they post so often and everything is just picture perfect every moment. I have learned that sometimes I have to take some breaks from looking at blogs and pinterest because it can be overwhelming and make me not appreciate my own life, and my life is good and I need to be present in it and appreciate it.
Well said! I will be sharing with my FB friends. I think that there are some that need to read this. Thank you so much for sharing.
PS: I really enjoy your updates coming to my email.
I agree, well said Adri! Regardless of how people “show” themselves to the world via the web, everyone will perceive it the way they want. With that being said, I don’t find you fake in the least. Your blog and your words are uplifting to me and I find them to be genuine. No, I don’t think your world is peaches and cream all the time but I do find you to be a positive person who likes to focus on the dun dun dun… POSITIVE! Keep up the good work ๐
Very well put. Although social media prompts us too, we all need to try not to be so self conscious all of the time and to continue being real. Sometimes, through hard moments, it helps US to post something happy. It may seem fake to others, but it is what WE need to get through the hard moment. Regardless, I appreciate your openness, and I think that anyone that thinks that you portray a fake sense of “all-is-good-with-the-world” is naive and a bit jealous that you are able to keep a relatively positive attitude, even amongst daily nuisances.
๐ I really enjoy you and your posts. Truly.
I love following your blog because you do keep it real! I LOVE your posts and LOVE that you are a happy, faith-filled, healthy, baby wise, cloth diapering, design diva, mother, and wife! What is wrong with writing positive posts? In my opinion this world needs more positive, inspiring, loving posts, do people really want to read negativity all the time. Of course we love when you post something that went array or a rant every now and then, it reminds us that you are human, but I don’t follow your blog to read about your bad days (all the time)… geez people. Misery loves company and they need to back off!! You will not make everyone happy, but you sure make me happy. You have no idea how much help you were when I was stuck at a spot with Babywise. Your monthly posts on B get me so excited for what is to come with my lil one. He is just a couple months behind your lil one and it is so uplifting. Keep up the great work and don’t let others bring you down. I love this quote. A little quote (maybe not from the best role model, but I still love it) “Do not allow people to dim your shine because they are blinded. Tell them to put on some sunglasses, cuz we were born this way b****!” Lady Gaga
You’ve had negative feedback? I can’t believe that!! Your blog is nothing but real, happy, authentic living and I love it. I couldn’t even imagine that anyone could take issue with what you write, although apparently they have. Well, that’s just silly. I love reading your blog! Don’t let the negative people get you down. They have their own issues to deal with — they must be very sad to be so angry at everyone! <3 ~Angela~
Hmmmm… this is a good post. I’m sort of on the fence about this. I really don’t like following folks in social media who are doom and gloom. But maybe I’m just not a doom and gloom person, so it bugs me. I also have trouble with parents who are constantly complaining about their kids. I’m okay with discussing parenting struggles and real challenges – that’s just being authentic. But, outright complaining – I dont’ need it. I guess for me, I see my blog/Instagram/Facebook/etc. as my “happy place.” I don’t want to dwell on the negative. But, I agree with you that it’s all in how you perceive what others do.
This site is great, I really appreciate how you put up the information.