I hope everyone had a fabulous Easter. It was a little sad for me since that was the last ‘first’ holiday for Braylen, and I can’t even believe it. He will be a year in a little over a month. What?! Anyways, I come here today wanting your opinion.
The kitchen finally has all the cabinets back, the hardware {minus a few cabinets since we changed our minds on those} is all installed, so next will be the backsplash. We know we want white subway tile, not sure on the grout coloring, but my question is where should it go?
Heres what we are working with.
It will for sure go here as per a typical backsplash:
But here is the wall we can’t decide on:
So, do we carry the tile above the door frame and do that whole wall {and area behind the coffee maker}? Or do we keep it just to behind the stove. I am leaning towards doing it all, J is less. He thinks it could be weird having that whole wall in tile, attracting your eyes there, when theres nothing there to look at. I think it will look super clean and bright, and I would love to have some backsplash behind that counter, so I want to continue it.
Give us your thoughts please! And if you vote on my side, i’ll give you all my leftover Peeps from Easter;)

Maybe this can help? I love the idea of the stainless steel shelves to break up all that tile! http://theinspiredroom.net/2012/07/02/kitchens-subway-tiled-walls-and-two-toned-cabinets/
I also found this link showing a border to create a visual stopping point for the tile that looks finished: http://design-4-lessblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/Blanco1x2-Stainless1x1-ContempoGraphite2.jpg
I think it would look good on the whole wall, and then maybe put shelves like on the first link above so it doesn’t look too “plain”.
Just remember that where you have tile on the wall you can’t hang up pictures (or maybe you can, I’m not a very handy person I could be wrong). This might not be an issue for you, but I LOVE hanging things on my walls.
I love watching your house re-do, keep the posts coming!!!!
I would keep the backsplash where the cupboard ends (so behind the coffee maker) but not the wall itself. Because if you do the wall, you would have to do that little bit of wall above the door too! But with the wall, adding shelving will obstruct with the doorway, and where are you supposed to put the garbage can? If it was my wall, I would do a mural of some kind. Maybe a scene from Italy, a gondola floating on the water, or a herb garden.
Are there other walls in the space? If so, you must tile them all for that wall to make sense. I am a fan of tile and it would be great because the garbage can is there, so it would protect the wall, but if there are other walls in the kitchen I’m on Jays side. You have to tile them all even above the door or this may look odd. Sorry. You’re doing a great job guys. Love your style. ๐
Even with the bribe of the Peeps I have to go with my gut and say no on doing the whole wall. Maybe some chalkboard paint but I think tiling all that area would be too much. All the best! ๐
I think you should tile the whole wall. I immediately thought of this: http://7thhouseontheleft.com/2012/04/smart-art/#.UVrZDb8TszY. I think it would look great in that spot of your kitchen.
I say go for the whole wall! So often, when tile is just on a backsplash, you can’t fully appreciate the beauty of it. Extending it over the entire wall could really highlight the beauty of the tile you pick beautifully…and you CAN still hang stuff on that wall. It’s just a little trickier:)
i would tile up to the coffee maker and end it where the cabinets end. tiling whole walls unnecessarily is really tacky IMHO. i like the idea of chalkboard paint as it lends another design element to the room and lots of flexibility with what you can do on the wall.
also grout colour, i would do a light grey (i’m more of a fan of all white personally). really dark seems to be in these days but it will get old fast i’m sure, also i’ve seen it done horribly wrong with huge spacing and it looks awful!!!
beautiful kitchen though. good luck!!
I would either do the whole wall, or maybe 2/3 of it with some trim at the top to create a high picture ledge. Then you wouldn’t have to tile above the door either. Good luck!!
– Lora
Hm. Maybe I’m Switzerland here; I’d refrain from tiling the entire wall, but what about continuing with the natural line created by the tile underneath the upper cabinets? So, you’d have tile on the blank wall space, since some tile would be good if you are going to keep a garbage can there (you’ll be able to wipe down the wall quickly if any gooshy stuff misses the can), but it’s reach will go from the floor to stop at the bottom of the upper cabinets.
You could put a small ledge molding or a tile ledge at the top of the tile so you’ll have room for teensy little trinkets, and put artwork above. Or, maybe a chalkboard wall on the upper portion? Or are chalkboard walls officially un-cool now? ๐
I would do the whole wall! It would look awesome! Another blogger I follow did it in her kitchen and it looks amazing! Here’s the link if you wanna check it out(maybe it’ll help persuade the hubby): http://www.4men1lady.com/kitchen-living-dining-reveal/
I would love to see it on the entire wall!
I vote for the entire wall ๐
I think I would tend to agree with your hubby. We have subway tile in our kitchen behind the stove, and beadboard as our backsplash everywhere else. Maybe end the tile at the end of the cupboards and do beadboard on that wall? Its hard to tell without seeing the rest of the kitchen, but that wall does look like a good place for a chalkboard or command center or something else pretty on the wall.
Hi Susan – My husband and I are thinking of doing something similar in our kitchen. Can you send pictures? I’d love to see how you did it!
I vote no for the entire wall. If it were me I would tile up to the coffee maker and end it where the cabinets end. I would do a large picture or a framed chalk board on that wall.
I would end the tile behind the coffee maker and keep the backsplash behind the counters. That whole wall needs another treatment or art work. Love the cabinets!
It’s probably easier to do less, give it a few months and decide if you want more. I would vote no for the entire wall though.
First, let me say, either way is gonna be amazing! There’s nothing that you guys have done that hasn’t turned out anything but. And while your peeps do sound pretty appetizing, I think I’m with J and leaning towards the not backsplashing the whole wall. Don’t hate ><
ps… I did look at Jenny’s link posted above (http://www.4men1lady.com/kitchen-living-dining-reveal/) and that house looked amazing! See, my opinion means nothing, I have to see it first! Hahah. Good luck!!
Do the whole wall. Check out Aubrey & Lindsay’s kitchen reveal for inspiration: http://aubreyandlindsay.blogspot.com/2012/09/kitchen-reveal_26.html
If it were my kitchen, I would backsplash behind the coffee maker and do the full wall with Chalkboard/magnetic paint. Braylen can draw, you can keep a grocery list, hang up recipes and photos, etc. Whatever you decide it will be great!
I would leave the wall alone. Looks like a great space for something else. If you had subway tile there, you may not be able to decorate it properly. Harmony L
I think I would end it where the cabinets end and not do the whole wall. But whatever y’all choose will be beautiful!
I agree with those above who recommend doing it only to the edge of the cabinets (aka where the coffee maker lives). But something to consider may be tiling the wall next to it from the floor only up to the height of the bottom of the upper cabinets. (I hope that makes sense). This would give you a larger area of tile, but doesn’t go crazy with going too high.
I used subway tile with light gray grout (Lowes has a pretty one called Silver and Big D Flooring has matching caulk). It isn’t a bold as the black that some are doing, but provides a nice contrast.
Can’t wait to see what you do!
Pat E
I actually really like the two tone peach and white paint you have going on now… okay totally joking. I’m leaning toward entire wall! Can’t wait to see what you choose!
i would tile only behind the cabinet areas… maybe paint the empty wall a nice neutral color and and find some nice chunky old dark wood to frame out a big tall area with black chalkboard/magnetic paint !!!! that would be functional and look great in contrast with the white cabinets :))) good luck…. everything you two do looks gorgeous … Robin
tile the whole wall! definitely! ๐ classy!
Whole wall for the win! Check out 7th House on the Left’s kitchen for inspiration.
I would not tile the wall. It would remind me of a bathroom wall. The cabinets and hardware are beautiful!
I went back and looked at some of your other kitchen pictures and (from what I can tell) that is really the only wall in the kitchen, correct? If so, I think the tile would look great and really clean. And would not lead you to need to tile other walls too.
That said, I do wonder where that door leads? Is it a closet? A laundry room? Entry to the garage? If its a “busy” part of the house, it might make sane to go with the suggestion of tiling the bottom half of the wall and then leaving the top available for a family command center. I am find that as the kids grow, you need more and more of those types of spaces in key parts of the house.
No matter what, I’m sure it will be beautiful!
i would do b&b on that wall then above it a accent color or open shelving or a picture of some sort orrrrrrrrrrrr a chalkboard wall….with the lil 1 getting to be the age he would love that!!!!
My two cents would be to stop at the end of the counter by the coffee maker and possibly put up some chalkboard paint and a frame as a message/note center. At least that is what I would do.
I think you should do the whole wall. Kitchens are messy places and tile is so much easier to clean then paint. Either way though, I can’t wait to see what you decide on. Thanks for sharing the transformation with us!
My vote would be to tile the whole wall, I think that looks kind of high end and more finished or complete. Have you seen Rhoda at Southern Hospitality’s blog kitchen, she tiled (and then put shelves over the top) a wall in subway tiles in her recent kitchen renovations.http://southernhospitalityblog.com/tour-my-home/
And also, JUST IN CASE you want a different option to mull over other than subway tiles have you see Miss Mustard Seeds recent backsplash. It is BEAUTIFUL. http://missmustardseed.com/2013/03/kitchen-reveal-sources/
Tile the whole wall!
Makes a much cooler (and cleaner) – and will create a great backdrop for anything you decide to add to that wall (open shelves/clock/frame/etc).
I really like the aesthetic of a tiled wall in the kitchen. I would do exactly the same thing with that wall because it’s not a large space and won’t be obtrusive. You can even add some nice open shelving.
Have you seen the Insipired Room’s Kitchen reveal? She does most all of it to the ceiling, and then a few areas just 2/3 of the way up. Maybe if you show your hubby that he will see how bright and beautiful it can be. It’s very in-vogue to do that right now, so it seems, but very traditional at the same time.
Hmmmm…. I think I’d avoid doing the whole wall. But, honestly, you have such an eye. I’d trust whatever you do. =)
If it were my kitchen, I would tile from the floor up to the bottom of the upper cabinet on that wall. So the bottom half of the wall would be protected from the mess of the trash can, but you would still have to top half to play with (painting it with chalkboard paint or a cool piece of artwork). I think that would look AWESOME! It’s your house, so do whatever floats your boat!!
I say do it all ๐ put a cute vintage clock or something there, or maybe even an oversized DIY chalkboard. lots of options! I also did a medium toned grout in my kitchen for white subway tile and loooove it ๐ good luck with your choices, i’m sure it will be amazing either way!
Having just remodeled a kitchen with white subway tile, I woild skip doing the whole wall, get a piece of art to warm up that area. Also, do a white grout that matches the tile otherwise you will notice if the tile isn’t straight. Matching grout and tile hides those imperfections.
Definitely not the entire wall. We live in Manila and there’s not only tile everywhere, there’s concrete walls, too. So limiting for wall art, etc.
And is that a doorway there? My husband’s parents have a wall where they’ve recorded the growth/height of everybody in the family. That wall/door frame is a conversation piece packed with love and will never be repainted.
It’s looking terrific!
For the color of the grout I would recommend not doing white. It will get dingy and be hard to clean. I recently remodeled my kitchen and did white subway tile with light gray. It looks really good without being too obvious.
Wall behind coffee maker and then on the larger wall, I say not the whole wall just half where to botton cabinet is~extended out, That would give you a clean space whee the trash can is but a different texture/color about which might be nice for that corner. mil
I say no to the entire wall. I think it would be way too much of a good thing.