Ice Cream! At least those of us who live in the sweltering land known as Arizona do! It has been 110 or more for a couple of weeks now, and theres no end in sight. It's gross. As in, you step outside for more than 2 minutes and you are a sweaty mess, gross. Now I know that we have glorious weather … [Read more...]
Oven Baked Pumpkin Smores
Pumpkin, pumpkin, pumpkin...everything is pumpkin right now, and I LOVE it. Pumpkin pancakes, pumpkin lattes, pumpkin bread, and best of all- pumpkin s'mores! I literally dreamed up this little concoction at 4am two nights ago {joy of having a baby, right?!} and had to make it yesterday! It is 100 … [Read more...]