Wow you guys are the best. The best way that I can explain how it feels to reveal a finished home to y'all is like Christmas morning. I anticipate the day for a long time, and then when its finally here- well I am just giddy all day long! The comments, shares, opinions, etc. that you all gave since … [Read more...]
Double Dormer REVEAL
If you guys feel like this reveal has taken forever, then just imagine how I feel! I have been bursting at the seams to show you guys the final reveal- and the time has finally come. I had a feeling this home was going to be magical from the moment Jeremy showed me it, and it did not disappoint!! We … [Read more...]
Flip It Friday – All About That Carpet, Bout That Carpet
Raise your hand if you love carpet? Haha, I know that not everyone is all for carpet, and I GET IT! In the two homes we have owned we have never had any carpet at all. While I love the aesthetic look of hardwood, and even the cleaning factor for it, I miss having carpet. I miss getting out of bed in … [Read more...]
Flip It Friday – Double Dormer Wainscoting And More
If you have been around here for awhile, it comes without surprise that we are lovers of all things trim and moulding. We love how much character it adds to a room, how much class it brings, and how it adds so much decor that it replaces the need to over decorate a wall {at least in our … [Read more...]
Flip It Friday – Double Dormer Progress
Ladies and Gentlemen {hey- there are a few guys that read this blog too!}, WE HAVE PROGRESS! The Double Dormer flip is no longer a serious construction zone! By no means is it ready to go- but just wait till you see how far we have come in the past few weeks. I feel like I haven't done a legit … [Read more...]
Flip It Friday – Double Dormer Beginnings!
The only thing more fun than showing you guys a completed home, is showing you guys the beginning of that home! We are in the Demo stage for our newest flip, and its so rad. We are calling this one Double Dormer, not because it is like a college dorm, haha, but because the two peaks on the front are … [Read more...]