I had started writing a great detailed tutorial for a new project for todays post, and then I got sick. I haven’t been feeling great the past two days, and last night I went on a run that did not help. Normally when I just have a little cold, a short run helps me {I know-weird}, but last night in the dead middle of my run {with the dogs} it started to pour rain. As in sheets of freaking rain. The dogs freaked out, I tried to keep my iPhone dry, Honeys collar kept sliding off because its a little too big and she was wet, I dropped my phone, etc. Needless to say the run itself sucked, and being in the cold rain while trying to ‘kick’ a cold..not the best idea.
Instead of finishing that post {which I fully intend to do for tomorrows post} I am going to be doing a whole lot of this:

Get well soon!
A run? You are a trooper!! Get better soon!
I usually try to sweat it out too but sometimes it’s good to just give in and be one with the bed.