Guess what house has all the drywall up?! The Guest House!
We got to go check it out yesterday and oh my gosh it is looking so good and SO different. I love doing these flips, but I love it, even more, when the walls and rooms change shape a ton- and this home does not disappoint!
Others looking to flip a house will want to pay attention to structural issues before turning to its general aesthetics as, if there is a deep-rooted problem with the foundations, for example, you can forget about the interior design. In other words: you need to rectify any problems before buying all your pieces of home decor. Look out for certain signs like cracked walls, bowed windows, and uneven floors as they could indicate a problem with your foundations which may require services such as CenTex Foundation Repair to get on top of.
See that room? Yes, there used to be a huge wall with only a doorway opening to the right. The kitchen used to be all closed off and now this is just one bright and open room! And the original brick wall has both Jeremy and me giddy!
The kitchen’s square footage seems so much more now from the changes we have made, and I don’t think anyone will complain about that! The kitchen is always the heart and hub of the home, so the bigger the better!
And that is the massive laundry room that will house one of the most amazing sinks ever. I cannot wait for it to be installed so you can check it out!
And the Master bedroom? Well, that is one of the biggest changes of it all. Even though we COMPLETELY changed this room, I am so glad we were at least able to keep some of the original walls. Now all that’s left for this room is to get some paint on the walls and possibly have a carpet installation put in to make it feel more complete.
Go check out the Befores here of the home {well the Befores that I managed to get, I feel like I had an epic fail not getting TRUE before shots of this home!sorry guys!}
Now that drywall is all up, flooring and everything else will just fly like it always does! I am also going to be showing yall the update on Willo Home this week! The flips have been chugging along even though everything else slowed down this Holiday season. So pumped! Happy Monday sweet friends.