I just wanted to take a day and apologize to y’all. I feel as though I have been letting you down, and it totally sucks. I’m sure you all have noticed the serious lack of DIY projects lately, and I want you to know it is not unnoticed by us. I hate that I haven’t been able to post an awesome creative, unique, and fresh DIY project at least once a week for you. I hate that I feel like this blog has been taken over by ‘my life’ and baby boy. I swore it wouldn’t turn in to a mommy blog, and I feel like that is really all I have been able to produce lately. And heres why..
J has been getting his MBA since last January, and is graduating this May {with still having one more class in June, its a weird system at ASU}. When I say he has been incredibly busy, it is literally the understatement of the century. The typical amount of time we get to spend together is about 6 hours during the week {late nights usually} and Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights. Yep, we don’t even get Saturday or Sunday day together. I work Saturday days, and he has class, and then Sundays he studies or has group projects all day, and I work Sunday as well. We have an awesome family and group of friends, which usually takes up a lot of those times, and while we love it all- we often find ourselves just wanting a night in to ourselves. My sweet girlfriends know better than to ask me to have a girls night on those nights, because my time with J is just too rare and precious. {thanks for always understanding gf’s}
Now, don’t get me wrong.. we still get some projects done here and there {because J is a freak of nature and would rather do a project on a rare Sunday afternoon off of studying than relax and watch football} BUT since November he has been in serious crunch time at school. Meaning, he doesn’t ever have a rare time off. AT ALL. Sometimes I think its honestly harder emotionally for me than it is for him. He is the hardest working, non-complaining man I have ever known {it makes me seriously cry right now just thinking about how hard he works for us and our future}. While we were trying to get pregnant he warned me that towards the last half of my pregnancy he wouldn’t be able to be that ‘involved’. Meaning, he comes to the ultrasound appointments, but no other ones. That he wouldn’t be able to take any birthing classes with me, and that I was on my own for figuring out the registry. When we had talked about this, I was totally fine with it. And guess what, now that that time is here- it’s hard. I so desperately want my hubby to be able to go on the hospital tour with me, and daydream over stupid things like a stroller. But this is what I signed up for, and he’s doing the absolute best he can with juggling work, school, the house, and me. With that being said, there are some awesome online birthing classes that are coaching me through my pregnancy, so I’m not completely alone.
Thankfully his crunch time gets a little easier at the end of this month. He goes down from 3 classes {one being on Saturdays always} to only 2 classes during the week. This will severely open up his weekends, he will still study a lot on them, but won’t have an 8-5 class on Saturdays. Can I tell you how excited I am for February to be over?!?! Then until May its just 2 classes, and he graduates May 4th. He then has the rest of the month off {Praise God because baby boy is supposed to make his debut on May 23rd} and only have on class in June…and then hes DONE.
I know I have been rambling on forever about J, but honestly he is the main driving force in our projects. Especially now that I am pregnant and can’t shouldn’t do all the heavy lifting and painting thats required for some upcoming projects, he is needed. Very much so needed:) But its not all up to him, there are definitely things I can still do on my own…like Valentines day projects. But then theres this nagging feeling that I get on my heart a lot. I want this blog to always be real, and raw. I don’t want to make up some lame V-day project, spend money and time on it, and do it all with the sole purpose of giving myself a project to write about. I want the projects on this blog to happen organically. In the beginning I found myself doing projects just to have something to write about, and then I realized they usually were the lamest things, and I ended up not even wanting to keep them in our house. Whats the point of that? So y’all can be entertained for .5 seconds and not even be impressed or inspired?! Thats why about 6 months ago I told J that that was the end of it. I WAS NOT going to go out and spend money on something to do just so i’d have a post. I know to some of you who don’t blog, I may sound crazy for even doing that in the first place, but once you start blogging..you get it. You find yourself doing it, and maybe being ok with it…but I wasn’t.
Also, because this blog is real life, you are really seeing lately what life is like for us. And in reality, my brain thinks baby stuff about 70% of my waking hours. I find myself constantly reading blogs with reviews on cloth diapers instead of paint colors. Or hypnobirthing instead of Before and Afters. Thats just what my life is right now. I am going to be a first time mommy, and I want to be the best damn mom I can be, so I want to learn it all, research it all, take it all in. I promise though, and I really do promise, this blog will not be overtaken by baby stuff always..
So heres the deal. There is light at the end of the tunnel. J graduates soon, and even before he graduates, school gets a little easier. We {obviously} have a LOT of projects planned for the nursery, but just haven’t had the weekend to do them yet, but man they are going to be rad. Like- I kinda get giddy thinking about them, and not just because its for the nursery!! Then theres this beautiful thing called a garage in our life, and its chalk full of projects just waiting to be started. Seriously though, so full of them that neither of us can park in there. J and I are both itching to get started! And then theres our guest bathroom thats in serious need of a makeover. And a guest room that needs to be decorated {since we have a rule that once we have this little babe, no longer will we have roommates} so I can finally decorate that room! Life is about to change, and its all for the better, and I can’t wait. I hope someone {anyone?!} is still reading this, as I know its lengthy, but I wanted to be honest with you all. I wanted you to know that we realize you probably started reading this blog for one of the fun DIY projects, and have since been confused or annoyed that they are so few and far between. We are sorry, I am sorry. Life is crazy, and God has for sure taken us both on a journey of patience this past year. So if you are willing, will you wait till we can weather this storm? And be ok with the fact that all you feel like you see is my belly getting fatter and fatter by the day?! I hope so, because we love and cherish each and everyone of you..truly.
Also this is not a ‘woah was me’ post. I have a very blessed life and love writing about it. Just want to make sure you as readers understand what is going on over here and how time and changes effect the blog and our posts.
I think you all are just the cutest! I love getting to know you better during your break of projects. No need to apologize. This is your blog and you can write what you want to write about. I love watching your baby grow. ๐
Life comes in cycles–sometimes crazy busy and at other times, maddenly slow. It is hard to find the balance sometimes. My husband was in boot camp when I gave birth to our 1st born with the help of my girlfriend. He didn’t see her until she was 6 weeks old. It was lonely and overwhelming, but I feel a sense of pride when looking back, that…hey! We made it! And you will too! You are tougher than you think! As you said, the light at the end of the tunnel is in view. About the blog…no need to apologize! I’e been enjoying your posts right along–no matter what the subject. Be a first rate version of yourself–that is what draws people. Best, best wishes!!!
Hang in there Adrianne. We still love the blogs ๐ My husband Dan is starting the MBA program this August at ASU. Nerve racking! In the end though, you know everything will be great and that sweet baby boy will have 2 very loving and strong parents for it.
Adri, I have a blog myself and I totally understand where you’re coming from. I get the feeling of ‘real life’ taking over and therefore feeling like you’re letting your blog readers down… here’s what I can tell you… while your blog is important, it’s your REAL life that truly matters. Focus on your soon-to-be-here sweet little baby boy and your amazing husband. It will all be ok. We’ll be here when life settles and if some people aren’t willing to wait, then you’ll find new followers. I just found your blog about a month ago so to me, not much has changed. I’m also not a ‘kid person’ and have zero desire to be a mom to anything without 4 legs, fur and a tail, but I still LOVE reading your blogs every day. It’s fascinating to see how other people live, love, and think. Keeping writing honey, we’re here and we’re reading. ๐
My husband and I are DIYers to the bone too… and I am currently pregnant. It kills me that I cannot pick up a can of spray paint or carry something heavy…. but know that there are more important things in life. Making sure your husband finishes school and then you have a healthy baby are more important than a DIY project. And I can’t wait to see what you do with the nursery!
I didn’t even read the whole post. No apologies necessary! You are in a special situation. It is not as if we paid for a newsletter. We get a kick out of a peek at your life, whatever it is. You just rest up and don’t worry about us. You can always post old favorites. Or take pictures of Arizona. You don’t have to make things just to keep us entertained. Why don’t you ask a question, and see what the comments are? For instance, what is our favorite trend that we are going to work on this year? Or what do we hate that seems to be popular? I love the pictures of your stomach. You need to gain more weight though. You want to get to 30 pounds. I got a lecture during my last pregnancy about dieting on my own time. Eat up. Ann
You are too cute! I so look forward to your blog each day! It does not matter one bit to me if you are coming up with the next library card catalog amazing project or showing us the growth of your little bean! I am so glad there are people like you that are honest and make us all feel normal! Love your blog, think you and J are adorable! Just do your thing girl!!! XOXO
I love reading your blog, its one of my favorites! You don’t need to feel obligated to us to have projects and posts for us to read constantly. I love your project posts, but honestly I love the baby posts too! I look forward to the cute posts of your belly and what fruit or veggie he is closest in size to now! :)Just take good care of yourself and enjoy this special time in your life. We will all be here waiting when you and your hubby have more free time to share your design ideas with us again! ๐
As a fellow blogger, I struggle with this regularly. Like you, I started my blog when I had more time on my hands. But then life takes over ๐ I used to write apologies like this every time there was a gap in my posts, but now I don’t bother. I’m human and have a life outside of my blog… part of which pays the bills ๐
I’m not sure how (or if) I’ll continue blogging once we have a family, but I certainly wouldn’t criticize someone who decided to opt out of the blogging world because they wanted to live more in the real world!
This is still a “DYI” blog – you are growing your own HUMAN! Can’t think of anything that could be more DYI than that!
Can’t wait to see the nursery picks when you have time and I love the weekly baby posts because I am two weeks behind you and love taking a peek in the the future with you!
Keep doing what you are doing and when you and your hubby have time to work on more projects we will be excited to see those too!
oh Adri… I just want to reach through the blogosphere and give you a huge hug! I totally understand that this is not a woe is me post, and your positive attitude about it all is super obvious, but our life follows along much of the same route sometimes with busyness, school, life, and little couple time, let alone project time. It’s nice to see another couple go through the same and take a very positive attitude through it! I cannot wait to see all the DIY projects planned for the nursery, bathroom, and guest room, but until then, I will continue to enjoy your adorable pregnancy posts (you look great btw!)- since I am not yet a momma, it gives me things to look forward to! ๐
I love your blog BECAUSE it’s real, and even if it became a mommy blog I’d still love it. So keep doing what you’re doing, and thanks for sharing with us!
You and Jeremy are awesome! I just love seeing your smiling face <3
Your blog is wonderful and even if you aren’t posting DIY projects, your Design Mondays are the BEST. I look forward to them every week. Sometimes inspiration is just what I need.
I think the best thing about blogs is feeling like the person behind it is real and has ups and downs just like the rest of us! I think your blog is awesome but if posts aren’t everyday or if projects don’t come up as frequently that is perfectly fine so don’t for one second feel bad about it! I honestly can’t imagine the kind of discipline and time/energy it takes to actually write a blog so I’m super impressed- God bless!
I work Sats and Suns also so know how that can mess up a social life, but as you know, there are perks to our crazy schedule job also. I am always home before school (so I can make sure my daughter doesn’t try to wear heels and daisy duke’s to school);) and home everyday of the week after school apart from Monday. I try and usually do focus on the perks.
I personally think you blog should be just what it is. You are so inspirational in your thankfulness and joyful attitude, all the while being very real. A blog is a log of your life, unless of course it is specifically a design blog . .and I have never thought of your blog as being soley about design.
I think it’s called life, and life is not static but fluctuates for everyone. We all have productive times we can devote to projects, and then sometimes life takes over and we have to focus our attention to other things. We all understand this and experience it in one form or another.
Dont apologise! I love just hearing about you and your bubba’s (Baby and dogs!) Well done to your hubs for staying so focused, it will all be worth it in the end and he will be there when you need him most – when the baby comes along. Keep up the great work x Fleur
Life happens and comes in seasons. Just sit back and enjoy. Blessings on you both and your growing bump!
Life changes and blogs change,too. I can’t tell you how many blogs I’ve read that have changed due to life circumstance…see lilbooblue…she’s had the ultimate change and I come back everyday! Maybe post about projects people made due to being inspired by you…I just bought a vintage tripod to make a lamp out of…I would’ve never thought I could do it if I hadn’t read your blog before:) Krista
i think you are real and fun and i’m okay with your lack of DYI projects… haven’t been following for very long, but i’m attached, so you will stay on my blog roll, no worries. your baby will be the cutest and it SHOULD take over your whole life. there is nothing more important than this first time to be a mommy. enjoy it with no regrets.
I recently subscribed to your blog. I’m not sure how I found you, but I saw your card catalog post and saw you were in Phoenix. I love vintage furniture and have a business upcycling frames. I live in the Phoenix area too… So I had to subscribe! I enjoy all your posts.
I’m a mom of 5. DIY mixed with kids is right up my alley. Keep doing what your doing… I know I enjoy reading it!
Oh you are a funny girl!! I love your blog, and hearing about your life, whether it’s about house projects or baby projects … You just keep doing what you’ve been doing and I’ll keep loving reading about it … xx
I found your blog about a year ago and have been following it when time permits (not by choice:)). I was so excited when I found your blog because there are not that many DIY bloggers in Phx area.
So… about a month ago, I go to one of my Saturday classes and for the first time sit in the back row with my other fellow students, and next to my friend on the right was sitting this familiar face. Weird.. I couldn’t remember where I knew this guy from…and it came to me. It was your hubby!!! How crazy is that!
So I’ve told him (nicely, not acting as a stalker) that I follow your blog and congratulated him on your pregnancy.
So as I’m studying for my exam for Sat class, I visited your blog (my mind wonders) and read this post and I can tell you that I COMPLETELY (150%) understand you!!!
I can promise you that your hubs will have alot more time for you and the projects once this class is over! It is impossible to have a life with three classes.
Sorry for the long post, but I had to tell you the story!
Good luck with everything and congrats on the baby boy!
Vea, You are so cute! J had actually told me about you the day he met you. Not gonna lie- I think he felt pretty cool that someone recognized him;)haha. Dont tell him I told you that:) I hope that you are on the same time line as him and are almost done. This program is going to benefit you both immensely, but is such a pain while going through it. Good job!!! Hope you are able to finish well and then get some well deserved down time afterwards! <3 Adri
I think you all are just the cutest! I love getting to know you better during your break of projects. No need to apologize. This is your blog and you can write what you want to write about. I love watching your baby grow. ๐
Life comes in cycles–sometimes crazy busy and at other times, maddenly slow. It is hard to find the balance sometimes.
My husband was in boot camp when I gave birth to our 1st born with the help of my girlfriend. He didn’t see her until she was 6 weeks old. It was lonely and overwhelming, but I feel a sense of pride when looking back, that…hey! We made it! And you will too! You are tougher than you think! As you said, the light at the end of the tunnel is in view.
About the blog…no need to apologize! I’e been enjoying your posts right along–no matter what the subject. Be a first rate version of yourself–that is what draws people.
Best, best wishes!!!
Hang in there Adrianne. We still love the blogs ๐ My husband Dan is starting the MBA program this August at ASU. Nerve racking! In the end though, you know everything will be great and that sweet baby boy will have 2 very loving and strong parents for it.
Adri, I have a blog myself and I totally understand where you’re coming from. I get the feeling of ‘real life’ taking over and therefore feeling like you’re letting your blog readers down… here’s what I can tell you… while your blog is important, it’s your REAL life that truly matters. Focus on your soon-to-be-here sweet little baby boy and your amazing husband. It will all be ok. We’ll be here when life settles and if some people aren’t willing to wait, then you’ll find new followers. I just found your blog about a month ago so to me, not much has changed. I’m also not a ‘kid person’ and have zero desire to be a mom to anything without 4 legs, fur and a tail, but I still LOVE reading your blogs every day. It’s fascinating to see how other people live, love, and think. Keeping writing honey, we’re here and we’re reading. ๐
My husband and I are DIYers to the bone too… and I am currently pregnant. It kills me that I cannot pick up a can of spray paint or carry something heavy…. but know that there are more important things in life.
Making sure your husband finishes school and then you have a healthy baby are more important than a DIY project. And I can’t wait to see what you do with the nursery!
I didn’t even read the whole post. No apologies necessary! You are in a special situation. It is not as if we paid for a newsletter. We get a kick out of a peek at your life, whatever it is. You just rest up and don’t worry about us. You can always post old favorites. Or take pictures of Arizona. You don’t have to make things just to keep us entertained. Why don’t you ask a question, and see what the comments are? For instance, what is our favorite trend that we are going to work on this year? Or what do we hate that seems to be popular? I love the pictures of your stomach. You need to gain more weight though. You want to get to 30 pounds. I got a lecture during my last pregnancy about dieting on my own time. Eat up. Ann
You are too cute! I so look forward to your blog each day! It does not matter one bit to me if you are coming up with the next library card catalog amazing project or showing us the growth of your little bean! I am so glad there are people like you that are honest and make us all feel normal! Love your blog, think you and J are adorable! Just do your thing girl!!! XOXO
I love reading your blog, its one of my favorites! You don’t need to feel obligated to us to have projects and posts for us to read constantly. I love your project posts, but honestly I love the baby posts too! I look forward to the cute posts of your belly and what fruit or veggie he is closest in size to now! :)Just take good care of yourself and enjoy this special time in your life. We will all be here waiting when you and your hubby have more free time to share your design ideas with us again! ๐
As a fellow blogger, I struggle with this regularly. Like you, I started my blog when I had more time on my hands. But then life takes over ๐ I used to write apologies like this every time there was a gap in my posts, but now I don’t bother. I’m human and have a life outside of my blog… part of which pays the bills ๐
I’m not sure how (or if) I’ll continue blogging once we have a family, but I certainly wouldn’t criticize someone who decided to opt out of the blogging world because they wanted to live more in the real world!
This is still a “DYI” blog – you are growing your own HUMAN! Can’t think of anything that could be more DYI than that!
Can’t wait to see the nursery picks when you have time and I love the weekly baby posts because I am two weeks behind you and love taking a peek in the the future with you!
Keep doing what you are doing and when you and your hubby have time to work on more projects we will be excited to see those too!
oh Adri… I just want to reach through the blogosphere and give you a huge hug! I totally understand that this is not a woe is me post, and your positive attitude about it all is super obvious, but our life follows along much of the same route sometimes with busyness, school, life, and little couple time, let alone project time. It’s nice to see another couple go through the same and take a very positive attitude through it! I cannot wait to see all the DIY projects planned for the nursery, bathroom, and guest room, but until then, I will continue to enjoy your adorable pregnancy posts (you look great btw!)- since I am not yet a momma, it gives me things to look forward to! ๐
I love your blog BECAUSE it’s real, and even if it became a mommy blog I’d still love it. So keep doing what you’re doing, and thanks for sharing with us!
You and Jeremy are awesome! I just love seeing your smiling face <3
Your blog is wonderful and even if you aren’t posting DIY projects, your Design Mondays are the BEST. I look forward to them every week. Sometimes inspiration is just what I need.
I think the best thing about blogs is feeling like the person behind it is real and has ups and downs just like the rest of us! I think your blog is awesome but if posts aren’t everyday or if projects don’t come up as frequently that is perfectly fine so don’t for one second feel bad about it! I honestly can’t imagine the kind of discipline and time/energy it takes to actually write a blog so I’m super impressed- God bless!
I work Sats and Suns also so know how that can mess up a social life, but as you know, there are perks to our crazy schedule job also. I am always home before school (so I can make sure my daughter doesn’t try to wear heels and daisy duke’s to school);) and home everyday of the week after school apart from Monday. I try and usually do focus on the perks.
I personally think you blog should be just what it is. You are so inspirational in your thankfulness and joyful attitude, all the while being very real. A blog is a log of your life, unless of course it is specifically a design blog . .and I have never thought of your blog as being soley about design.
I think it’s called life, and life is not static but fluctuates for everyone. We all have productive times we can devote to projects, and then sometimes life takes over and we have to focus our attention to other things. We all understand this and experience it in one form or another.
Dont apologise!
I love just hearing about you and your bubba’s (Baby and dogs!) Well done to your hubs for staying so focused, it will all be worth it in the end and he will be there when you need him most – when the baby comes along.
Keep up the great work x
Life happens and comes in seasons. Just sit back and enjoy. Blessings on you both and your growing bump!
Life changes and blogs change,too. I can’t tell you how many blogs I’ve read that have changed due to life circumstance…see lilbooblue…she’s had the ultimate change and I come back everyday! Maybe post about projects people made due to being inspired by you…I just bought a vintage tripod to make a lamp out of…I would’ve never thought I could do it if I hadn’t read your blog before:)
i think you are real and fun and i’m okay with your lack of DYI projects… haven’t been following for very long, but i’m attached, so you will stay on my blog roll, no worries. your baby will be the cutest and it SHOULD take over your whole life. there is nothing more important than this first time to be a mommy. enjoy it with no regrets.
I recently subscribed to your blog. I’m not sure how I found you, but I saw your card catalog post and saw you were in Phoenix. I love vintage furniture and have a business upcycling frames. I live in the Phoenix area too… So I had to subscribe! I enjoy all your posts.
I’m a mom of 5. DIY mixed with kids is right up my alley. Keep doing what your doing… I know I enjoy reading it!
Oh you are a funny girl!! I love your blog, and hearing about your life, whether it’s about house projects or baby projects … You just keep doing what you’ve been doing and I’ll keep loving reading about it … xx
I found your blog about a year ago and have been following it when time permits (not by choice:)). I was so excited when I found your blog because there are not that many DIY bloggers in Phx area.
So… about a month ago, I go to one of my Saturday classes and for the first time sit in the back row with my other fellow students, and next to my friend on the right was sitting this familiar face. Weird.. I couldn’t remember where I knew this guy from…and it came to me. It was your hubby!!! How crazy is that!
So I’ve told him (nicely, not acting as a stalker) that I follow your blog and congratulated him on your pregnancy.
So as I’m studying for my exam for Sat class, I visited your blog (my mind wonders) and read this post and I can tell you that I COMPLETELY (150%) understand you!!!
I can promise you that your hubs will have alot more time for you and the projects once this class is over! It is impossible to have a life with three classes.
Sorry for the long post, but I had to tell you the story!
Good luck with everything and congrats on the baby boy!
You are so cute! J had actually told me about you the day he met you. Not gonna lie- I think he felt pretty cool that someone recognized him;)haha. Dont tell him I told you that:) I hope that you are on the same time line as him and are almost done. This program is going to benefit you both immensely, but is such a pain while going through it. Good job!!! Hope you are able to finish well and then get some well deserved down time afterwards!