It doesn’t matter if you meet through a friend, after finding each other on one of the Black Dating Sites, at a cooking class, on a night out, or on holiday, once you find your soulmate, there’s no looking back! And I truly feel like I’ve met my soulmate.
These are some tid-bits that I have found make our marriage the best thing possible:
6. Touch. I have no idea if he feels the same way as I do on this, but on the rare occasion that I’m not quite feeling over the moon for him, I make an effort to touch him more that day. It might be something as simple as holding his hand, or even..well..you know! It’s still important to make time for that, no matter how long you’ve been married. Once I start acting out the love I know I have for him, the giddy butterfly emotions start rolling back in. That’s why it’s so important to find time for each other every so often. Of course, as you both get older, more health problems may start to come into play. For example, your husband may start to experience erectile dysfunction, making it more difficult for you both to engage in intercourse. If this is the case, it might be worth them visiting https://www.blinkhealth.com/ed to try and get some medication. This should remove any erectile problems, ensuring that you can make love without any problems. These sorts of health problems are quite common, so make sure to work with your partner to make it easier for them. This should help you to keep a healthier marriage. Touch is so important.
I know I may be considered a newbie to the married peoples world.. but man I feel like I was born to be married to him {which totally makes me a veteran, right?}. Hope some of these tid-bits encourage you today to go love on your significant other better. It’s so important to try and keep the spark alive in your marriage. You always hear of people becoming unhappy with their partner after they get married, so it’s important to find time to spend time together. Hopefully, we’ll always be happy in our marriage, but I know that things can change instantly. One of my friends was happily married to her husband for 5 years, but they then decided to divorce. As an outsider, this seemed so sudden, but they were thinking of contacting some of the best divorce lawyers los angeles has to offer for some time apparently. Marriage can be a scary thing, but by following some of these tips, you should increase your chances of a happier marriage. I’ll leave you with a few shots of our anniversary date night on Saturday..he was lookin’ h.o.t.t.t.

PS- please don’t let this photo make you think that pets are allowed at HD. They totally aren’t. We just have really rad people that work at our location, that recognize us and love our pups.
And because two PS’s wasn’t enough:
PPPS- I will be back tomorrow with some non-gushy normal stuff:) Don’t worry, this blog isn’t turning into a proclamation of my love for my hubby..I only throw that in a little!

This was a sweet post and Happy 3yrs!!! ๐
Hi there. I’m new to your blog, and I’m really loving it. Happy Anniversary! That is really sweet advice and so true. You guys looked great on your date night, and I’m sure you get this all the time, but you look so much like Tina Fey in that photo.
Hello! I stumbled upon your blog when it was featured on YHL and have really enjoyed it! I agree with everyone of your point about keeping a marriage strong. ๐ And just so you know, the Home Depots in the Seattle area are totally dog friendly! ๐ You can take your dog with you anywhere you want, which totally helped me on several occasions when our dog was a puppy!
Happy anniversary! You guys are still newlyweds, but at 3 years, you’re starting to be veterans.
I agree with all of your points. When you have kids, it becomes more difficult to spend quality time together. But it’s even more important to make the time. And you’re right– “nighttime couch time” does not count as *quality* time.
p.s. Have you read The Five Love Languages? It’s a great book, and an extremely easy read.
First of all happy anniversary! As you know I only read all your blogs. I am not proud to say that…I usually don’t comment on here so as not to openly admit to reading. I must say, however, that I have a grammatical issue I must discuss with you. At the end you had a p.s, pss, etc. It should be ps, pps, ppps, etc. It’s stands for postscript, post post script… It’s a small point. Ha. Love you guys!
I found your blog via centsational girl yesterday, and am definitely a follower now. Happy anniversary, and thanks so much for this post. There are so many great reminders for how I should be treating my husband (of not quite one year), and how my relationship with Christ should reflect back on him.
Plus, you’re super cute and talented. Really, can we be best friends? Thanks.
Thanks Kasey. {by the way- i always look forward to your encouraging comments! You are the best!}
Julie- Thank you! And actually, I dont think i’ve ever gotten the Tina Fey comment! How funny! Thank you.
Brooke- Thank you and glad you agree! Thats so awesome about your HD. I wish all of them gladly accepted dogs, but I do understand that people might not always bring in the most friendly dogs, which can be an issue. So fun for you though!!!
Karen- Thank you, and yes- we can only imagine how different it will be once kids enter the picture. We try to soak in the quality time as much as possible to ‘store up’ on it:) And yes, we both have read it in our premarital counseling! Thanks!
Josh- OH NO your outed!!! haha oh josh- we love you and I LOVE that you secretly read this;)
Love this post!! Thank you for the reminders – sometimes it is so easy to get wrapped up in ourselves that we forget to put our spouse first. I feel like I want to print these out and tape them to our bathroom mirror…maybe make a little DIY graphic art poster with these points on them.
You guys are the cutest couple, by the way!
Happy Anniversary!! I loved this post ๐
I just found your blog and I love it!! Great advice! Thanks for sharing. Also, I LOVE THE PICTURE OF YOUR DOGS!! I have a puggle too. They are such sweet loving dogs : )
Thanks guys!! Yes it is so easy to forget to do these, thats why writing them down or reading from someone else totally helps! Jenny- haha thanks about the dogs! We are pretty obsessed with them as well:):)