I don’t know if you guys have heard the news yet, but something very sad is happening. Google Reader is officially done-zo come July 1st. When I first heard this I freaked out! But what am I supposed to do? Actually have to remember all of the blogs I love, and visit them individually every day?! In a world of no house, hubby, or baby, that might happen- but thats not my reality. I then took a deep breath and remembered two other sites that are awesome as well, to take over my Google Reader. Feedly and Bloglovin.
Both are great alternatives to our beloved Google Reader, and with some time i’m sure will be just as easy and comfortable to navigate. If you are wanting to transition over, I say try it now so that you can get your bearings.
Here is a shot of Feedly. Once I got there they automatically asked if I wanted to import my Google Reader blogs in to Feedly, so I followed the simple process.
As of now Feedly does look quite a bit different than what we were all used to, but here is some good news on that topic:
Now, if Bloglovin is more your style {which as of now, it is more my style} the transition was just as easy. You can either go through the process right when you get to their homepage…
Or if your an idiot like me and take a snap shot of that page, but then exit and cant find it again- you simply go to your Settings and scroll down to this:
It took a matter of two minutes for all of my beloved blogs to be imported.
So there we have it- we can all breathe a little now, right?! I hope this helps everyone transition easier. I also hope you all dont think that I am some big nerdy loser that I was so worried about this, or even wrote a post about it. But guess what? I am kinda a big nerdy loser..

Ooh, thanks for the hint! I was looking around yesterday, but couldn’t decide on a new reader. I picked Bloglovin like you suggested and I’m already set up! Thanks. 🙂
Glad to help! I really like Bloglovin
Thank you so much for sharing this info! I had a momentary freak out when that little message popped up on my google reader screen yesterday. So, if you are a “big nerdy loser” then I am right in the boat with you :).
Glad we are alike;)
Ok, I am not that savy with all this blogging stuff………………does this affect following with google friend connect too? I just follow my blogs with my regular blogger dashboard, but there are some blogs that don’t have the google friend connect and its hard to keep track of them.
As of now I think GFC is staying exactly the same. Im glad you said this though because I was just debating on taking off the GFC box on my blog, but now I dont think I will since people {now more than ever} are going to need easy ways to follow along!
Nice tip. Thanks!
I panicked too! I did a little digging and found feedly which you’ve mentioned. I’ve been using it for a day now and I think I’m getting used to it. Still very cross with Google though, for taking away our beloved reader 🙁
I know, how dare them!;)
Lovers of information now seem to have a tough time with the recent announcement of the closing down of Google reader. However, fans of Google reader can now switch to something new alternatives to Google Reader. I found list of some alternatives of it, but still can’t decide that with whom should I go for best result. Now, here its a brief description about some other alternatives, so now its not a very much difficult task for me. I found the Oldreader much suitable for me. Thanks for helping out on above topic.