Yesterday I got a package in the mail that I had been eagerly waiting for!! I just purchased my first thing of essential oils from Young Living. I have been wanting to get into essential oils and start the journey to understanding scent science for a while now, since all I hear is positive things, and I finally made the plunge. To be honest, I had a hard time choosing between Young Living and DoTerra, but ended up with YL because I have a few friends, and bloggers that I respect who use it and I can refer to them with all of my questions!
I put up this photo of FB and Instagram yesterday and already got a ton of feedback, so I figured I should reach out here too. Have you ever used essential oils? If so, what was/is your experience like? Do you have any recommendations for me?
This world is so new to me, and one that I know I could research forever and still not ‘know it all’, but that makes me excited! Some of you asked if I will do a full rundown on the oils once I get the hang of it, and of course I will- but in the mean time, I would love to hear from you guys.
I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend full of fun and rest. Love you guys! See you next week with a lot of tutorials that have been backlogged due to the holidays:)

That’s how I feel about essential oils- you can research all day long and not really have solid answers. Also, have you googled the YL founder? That really made me hesitant about YL.
I have been using doterra for almost a year now, and am happy to say my 3 kids havenot visited the peds office yet. The last three years we needed a punch card from there, we had so many appts. (2 of my kids have croup to the point of hospitalization when they get colds). I’m currently using some to control my raging anger during PMS times of the month…hopefully it will work! (I just started putting it on about every other day 1 month ago so probably too soon to tell.)
Best to ya…take it easy and slow. There is a lot of info out there, you will get better and better about what to use for you and your family.
I love Tea Tree Oil aka Melaleuca Oil. I use it all the time, it’s great for minor burns and bug bites, and I always add a couple drops to my bath.
I use Butterfly Express and can’t be happier with my decision. They are not an MLM, you buy directly from them and they tend to be WAY cheaper because the entire MLM is taken out. The owner LaRee is awesome and it actually was because of a YL class that she attended a couple of decades ago that she started doing her own. She walked away realizing she couldn’t affordany of the oils she wanted going that route. Over time of doing it for her own family, it became a business! She is fantastic and the customer service with this company is remarkable! I’m part of a co op on facebook that has the ability to get them wholesale. My experience, is that you take it one oil at a time and find the ones that will target all of the common things your family may potentially experience. Runny noses lemon, lavender for so many different things, peppermint headaches..
I have multiple blends for other common things. It’s a change in thinking that I had to do