Once separated, we pulled the map down about 1in. farther to make up for the torn part and began super glueing it to one side of the wood:
Once glued, we used clamps in a few spots to hold it together tightly, and then we lightly {and I mean lightly} hammered the nails back in to the map. This babies were so tiny, you had to be super gentle. Just check out how tiny and adorable they were:
In the end, you would never know that we tore it up and then fixed it. Now the only issue we have is figuring out where it will go. We initially thought the brick wall, but then realized it just wasn’t right:
I swear, one day we will figure out what to put up on that stupid wall. I think its our fault considering we are too cautious to put any holes in the precious brick, but man its been a year and we still haven’t found anything worthy of it. Soon…maybe before the baby makes his debut..but probably not;)

Ok so I too was scared to put a hole in our fireplace brick, So my gf suggested we use industrial strength Velcro, an it has worked awesome, no hole an I have my sunburst mirror up that I’ve wanted!!!
That is a perfect place, but a little to the left. If you put the holes in the mortar, you can always fill them up again, can’t you? I would have done the same thing as J. Ann
Agreed — to the left next to the door. But honestly, I don’t think the brick needs anything, it’s art by itself. You guys are so creative!
Don’t hang it and sell it to me 🙂
AMAZING! I just bought a vintage map about a month ago for only $20. The elementary school that I went to as a child has closed and they auctioned off all of the stuff inside. I got my map for a steal! I’m still not sure where to put mine either. (I also pulled the wood off of the bottom of mine on accident.)
I don’t have any lovely brick walls like you but I stored this away for future reference- it is a link for “brick clips”. The clip on to the top and bottom of the brick without drilling into the brick or mortar. That way you can hang something and if you don’t like it, just slide the clip over for whatever you find later.
Love how that turned out!
I would have a large floor mirror leaned against that brick wall (secured to the wall of course!) if it were me… it would add a little bling to the rustic space. By the way, I love your blog!