I have been tagged a few times now on my Instagram account to share 20 random facts about me, and I have put it off for too long now. I personally always love reading fun facts about people, whether they are my friend in real life, a blog I read, or IG account I follow. Everyone has a story, a fun little history of facts that make them who they are. So, heres to you getting to know my little story more:
1. I grew up going to church, but it was always my mom that took us kids, dad never went. I didn’t start a personal relationship with Jesus though until I was a freshmen in high school.
2. I have always been a people person, but the older I get the more of an introvert I become. Definitely still more of an extrovert, but maybe just more comfortable with myself now, so its now ok to be alone?!
3. I love Jeremy more than I ever knew I could love a husband. I was always excited to be married growing up, but never really knew it could be this great.
4. With that being said, yes, we fight- BUT he is the best communicator when i’m being a selfish/stubborn fighter…so they end fast, and they end well.
5. I’ve recently started trading! I’m currently looking into fnb securities and tools I can use to improve my investments.
6. I always dreamed of being a mama, and still can’t believe I am one sometimes. Bray is the best.
7. I don’t like cats. At all. Go ahead, hate me for it..sorry, it’s just true. My friend has a couple of them and she always puts them in a separate room when I come over because I dislike them that much. It’s bad, I know. She keeps asking “why do cats have wet noses?” as she doesn’t know herself. I mean it’s a great question but unfortunately, it’s one that I don’t know the answer to!
8. I have these irrational fears that come from out of nowhere, about my health, and about the health of those I love. I used to get some anxiety about it, but haven’t struggled with it for a long time now – which has been really freeing! It is good to talk it out and connect with those who are suffering also. If you do your research on various relaxing avenues you may find out that the CBD industry suffers from a lot of scams, so it is best you make sure that you get certified products to help you with your anxiety, just like you would with any medication that you take.
9. I had a fabulous friend prepare and freeze my placenta from Bray, and I drank it in smoothies for the first few weeks postpartum {read the story about it here if you want}. I believe it really did wonders, and plan on doing the same for all future babies.
10. I never really worked out in my life until I was 21. Before that I would work out for a week max, and then do nothing for a year.
11. Speaking of my body, when J and I got married I instantly gained like 10 pounds because we got a kegerator. We would drink ice cold beer from the tap and eat pasta {because I didn’t know how to cook at all the first year of our marriage}.
12. I dated three Jeremys within two months of college. Glad I ended up with the one I did..even if it took me awhile to figure out he was the right one. Side note- I broke up with him for 7 months while we were dating.
13. My family and I went through a really rough time my Sophomore year of college. It changed me, but surprisingly for the better. I firmly believe that tough times suck to go through, but you will be refined in a beautiful way from it. Especially when the struggle is still continuing, you get really refined, and on top of that- you have a deeper love for your family. Of course, if it is beginning to interfere with your everyday life then you should absolutely speak to a healthcare professional as they may be able to recommend you to a therapist or even a website such as WeBeHigh.com where you can purchase alternative medicines used to reduce your stress.
14. My GMA was my best friend. She was incredibly tiny, with the biggest heart ever. She passed away at almost 95 years old, and I still miss her all these years later.
15. Some girls would love to have an unlimited clothes/shoes shopping budget, or even a hair/nail one, I on the other hand would kill for an unlimited grocery shopping budget. If I could buy anything and everything I wanted at Whole Foods I would feel like I won the lottery {even though I would actually have to win the lottery in order for that to happen!}
16. I like candy. No matter how healthy I am eating, I still always cave to candy, specifically sour candy, or Twix, or Snickers…mmmhhmm
17. I won Homecoming queen in high school, and J loveess to tell people about that. Half because I think it makes him happy, half because he knows it totally embarrasses me!
18. If you would have asked J or I five years ago if we would ever have a DIY home design blog we would have laughed. I need to do a whole post on our first apartment. I’ll just give a few clues: Ikea everything, mixed in with a gold and maroon wall. Ya, we had no idea what we liked back then.
19. When I was younger I had friends from all different circles which was awesome, but I always desired to have a close circle of friends- and now I do- and I feel very blessed because of it.
20. I eat more food than most girls, or some guys- especially when I was nursing Bray. I would out eat J at every freaking meal.
Thats it. 20 things. 20 freaking random things. Hope you feel like you know the girl behind the screen a little better now. Now heres your job- if you have a blog and want to have others get to know you better- do a post on it as well. Or, just leave a fun fact about yourself in the comments. Would love to get to know you all better.
Happy Halloween!!

I absolutely adore you! Thankyou for being so transparent! I have used so many of your ideas, keep up the great work! Janet
I love these posts that give us a better glimpse at who you really are. And I LOVE sour candy too. Hope you had a great Halloween.
Britni @ Play. Party. Pin.
Loved this post. Fun to read a little about you!! Fun facts about me- 1) Love Mexican food 2) I’m married to a mortician/embalmer- I still get the creeps when I visit him at work- he however totally feels normal there and has been working at this family business since he was 14 years old 3) I wanted to be a flight attendant growing up however I’m scared of heights? Hope halloween was fun for you guys! Loved the beard on the sweet baby!
Lol. Just read this. Some made me laugh. Some cry. Some smile. I love you. All of you!