We got the stunning chairs on Ebay for $350 {including shipping} and when they arrived I was mortified. I seriously took one look at these chairs and thought “Oh gosh babe, what the heck did you get us into?!?!” As plush purple velvet and hideous gold, they were quite the sight. We even had our housewarming party when they looked like
this. I honestly was quite embarrassed, hoping no one would notice the sight for sore eyes in the dining room, but J saw potential, and he told everyone how rad they were.
This is the end result {after many months of wheeling and dealing}:
We had the two chairs covered in a beautiful black cowhide leather that we got from here. We ended up spending a total of $101.90 on the leather alone, kinda expensive to us, but once again J saw potential in the chairs. We then took them to an upholsterer that had been referred to us. Well this was a disaster. Seriously. The girl we took the chairs and leather to was just horrific. You know when you hear of those horrible stories of someones furniture being slightly damaged by a store clerk, upholsterer, random guest in the home,etc…well this was worse, much worse. We excitedly dropped off the chairs and leather and were told that everything would be done in a week, and for only $90 total. HAHA. I just have to laugh at that idea. Well, needless to say, we got them back {after she had said 3 different times that they were “all finished,come on by!” {in a completely annoying and high pitched tone}} after a month. Yep, one month instead of one week. THENNN, once we got them home and started to really take a look, we realized the glue she used to attach the piping was all over the chairs. All over. It was seeping out from the piping, even randomly on the arm of the chair, and even then-it got worse. J started to patiently try and take off the excess glue, but once he got going he realized that every excess scrap and strand he cut off, it gradually made all, I mean all, the piping start to come off.
Obviously we called the lady. 20 times and two weeks later before she ever answered. We told her that we were very dissatisfied and that we would be bringing them back to her and that she needed to fix them, at no charge to us. Guess what she said “Oh well, then you need to buy all new leather {umm $100, nope,were not doing that} and then maybe I’ll try to fix them”.
We finally got a hold of this “great business woman” and she took another month and a half to actually finish the work. J showed up twice during that time when she said the chairs were done to see half completed work. He was furious……and he has little to no temper…..actually no temper :). She eventually finished the work, and we eventually got our thrones.
All in all, we finally got our chairs back in o.k. condition after THREE months! Lesson to learn from this: If the deal sounds truly too good to be true {only $90 to reupholster two chairs and in only one week} it usually is. J loves his thrones and I guess I should let him sit in them every night considering he went to battle with a 19 year old upholsterer and was victorious….Oh my King :)… Overall it was a stressful and annoying situation but now we laugh at how we thought we could be a king and a queen for just $90.

Cool thrones, or should I say majestic, nay regal?! Shame about the exhausting experience. Look forward to seeing the new ones at the dining table. 🙂
While I wouldn’t think of a throne I think it looks great. I love that your style isn’t so cookie cutter. It really has personallity.
I will be back to enjoy more of your posts.
newest follower… and i love your ideas, really inspiring! i love thrifting in the valley, there’s so many places to go. savers is one of my all time faves too. can’t wait to see what else you do.
tara at http://www.junkrestore.com
They are fantastic, I’d love to see them in the dining area now ;).
stumbled onto your blog and fell in love! Those chairs are amazing! And I LOVE the card catalog buffet! Stunning!
New follower and I am in love with your house and everything you guys have done with it! I feel inspired everytime I read a new post! Really loving the chairs
Those chairs are stunning! It sucks that you had such a hard time with the upholsterer but they look amazing. I am inheriting some church chairs that are somewhat similar and I am saving a picture of yours for inspiration. I am loving your blog. I’ll be back to see what else you are up to!