Total weight gain: gained 17 lbs total. He weighs about 3 lbs now- so fun!
Maternity clothes: Still able to wear most tops, but pants these days are either workout pants, leggings, or maternity.
Stretch marks: Just the ones from Christmas Eve on my chest, but still using the amazing tummy stretch mark oil {here} and the chest cream {here}
Sleep: Still getting up every night to go pee and/or from leg cramps
Best moment of this week: Celebrating our nephews 1st birthday, hanging out with old friends {who have 4 kids, woah!}, and surprising my parents by having our whole family over for dinner to celebrate their 31st. anniversary.
Miss anything: Running, beer and wine. But the things I get to experience now completely outweigh those:)
Movement: SO much movement. My belly looks like something is literally trying to come out of it at times…
Food cravings: Umm is it considered a craving if I ate a waffle bowl of chocolate ice-cream and heath bar three times in one week?!
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope!
Have you started to show yet: Duh
Gender: Boy!!
Labor signs: This week was interesting…full story here. Also just found out yesterday that I tested positive for Group B Strep, so now on antibiotics for that. Its nuts how much can change in a single week.
Belly button in or out: The whole thing is out now..and I find it hilarious
Wedding rings on or off: On, on the days that I actually wear them..which I am trying to do more these days so I don’t look a hussy;)
Happy or moody most of the time: Super happy. Happy that he is in there cooking away, and praying it stays that way!
Hi Adri, Your leg cramps will go away once your blood iron levels improve. I went through the same thing when I was pregnant and couldn’t sleep at all because of the leg pains. I sent you an email about it, not sure if you got it. Hang in there! 🙂 Anita
ah rotten leg cramps…..get some magnesuim tablets uve no idea how bad i had them with my last i mentioned b4 about my iron levels even when they came up i suffered serve with cramps …and have hubby massage ur calfs b4 bed. Your bump sure is growing! Hope ur taking it easy and getting plenty of liquids and rest into u!
I can’t believe you’re already 30 weeks!
Hi Adri,
Your leg cramps will go away once your blood iron levels improve. I went through the same thing when I was pregnant and couldn’t sleep at all because of the leg pains. I sent you an email about it, not sure if you got it. Hang in there! 🙂
ah rotten leg cramps…..get some magnesuim tablets uve no idea how bad i had them with my last i mentioned b4 about my iron levels even when they came up i suffered serve with cramps …and have hubby massage ur calfs b4 bed. Your bump sure is growing! Hope ur taking it easy and getting plenty of liquids and rest into u!
I can’t believe you’re at 30 weeks! I had to double check the title as I skiped to the picture! 🙂 Congrats, I hope you’re feeling well!