I wrote about celebrating two years of marriage, three years of marriage..and now its four years!!!!! That is one thing I love about having a blog, always being able to look back in time.
Yesterday was our four year anniversary, and we barely saw each other. Haha, no but really- my brother is getting married this weekend. It seems like there are quite a few wedding venues to choose from as my brother might prefer a venue that is well organized and spacious, like the Wedding Venue in Fort Worth, TX. I hope they decide on a venue sooner rather than later. In addition, it was my future sister-in-laws bachelorette party, and J had class. Don’t worry though, we are celebrating on Sunday! We have been suggested to look at Gatlinburg weddings as we would like to spend the day renewing our vows in an intimate ceremony. But we are yet to decide on anything as of now.
In this last year it is incredible how much J and I have grown separately and together. I have gained a whole new level of independence since he has been in school, which I think was really healthy for me. Now don’t get me wrong, I haven’t loved having him be so busy all the time, but I do think it actually made us appreciate each other more. Some couples who can’t or don’t see each other might turn to other things like Realistic Sex Dolls to fulfill certain needs. That could be fun and actually that could be something a couple might enjoy together, but we personally have not explored that avenue. Someone living abroad, away from their partner for quite a long time could definitely spark the interest again, with these realistic options. When they have the marital aids, the least that would be needed is perhaps a spouse visa uk, Australia, or Canada (wherever they are settled) to be close to their partner physically and to take full fun of this opportunity.
And now.. well in about a month our marriage is taking a whole new twist. I cannot wait to see J as a daddy. He is so incredible and I know without a shadow of doubt, that he is going to be the most loving, fun, caring, and wise daddy there is. If this experience coming up is anything like what our relationship has been so far, I will need J for balance…and thats so perfect. I will worry about all the little things, and he will comfort me-yet bring me back to peace {and reality} with all the little things. He reminds me to not take life too seriously…see:
I love you with all of my heart and soul. I have never been more sure of anything else in my life, than the fact that God created you for me. You have always been the best example of Christs love in my life, day in and day out. I am so excited to see you take on a new role this next month, and I am also excited to keep our marriage first. As cheesy as this sounds, you complete me. I love you babeh, forever and then some.
Congratulations! We almost share an anniversary as my husband and were married 6 years ago on Easter and we two are celebrating this Sunday as we had to be out of town working this week. Since you are pregnant I will make the huge sacrifice and drink a glass of wine for you… you like Zinfindel, don’t you? haaaa
that´s sweet 🙂 congrats!
Elle ღ
I am crying <3 (MIL)
So Beautiful! Happy Anniversary!! 🙂
Congratulations! We almost share an anniversary as my husband and were married 6 years ago on Easter and we two are celebrating this Sunday as we had to be out of town working this week. Since you are pregnant I will make the huge sacrifice and drink a glass of wine for you… you like Zinfindel, don’t you? haaaa
Congratulations!!! Hope you have a great day together. Be blessed!! Sally xoxo