from my Vintage Nautical baby shower
Just so you know, I have no idea what my stance on it is. I sometimes think that people {myself included} shouldn’t do anything for baby #2,3,4… But then I think back to my shower for Braylen, and the prayer I received, and it makes me sad to think that might not happen for any future babies. Torn people, I am torn! Good thing I am not pregnant, so I don’t need to worry about it any time soon:)

For number 2, or 3, or 4, I think that a “sprinkle” is nice. Maybe just a lunch or breakfast to celebrate the mamma and baby. No gifts though! I think parties are fun and any reason to celebrate is a good one 🙂
So agree with Kristen, why miss the blessing of your friends.
And cake! A party without cake is just a meeting!
I did a sprinkle for my sister in law on her 5th child! Some might think it’s silly but it was only family and her close, close friends- we all pitched in money for a double stroller she really wanted (and needed!!) i had a few treats out and that was it. Everyone just visited and a few people brought small gifts bc they wanted to but the main one was her stroller.
I think a party is great, but no gifts.
Huge no no in my mind, unless it is made very clear no gifts. Otherwise it comes across as…. I hate to say it, but greedy.
It’s always interesting to me when I hear that people have this opinion. Maybe it’s a regional thing? I don’t have any kids personally, but where I’m from, it’s pretty standard to have some kind of celebration for every new addition.
I don’t see it as a problem, but i know I wouldn’t want gifts the second time around. I hate clutter, hahah!
I don’t like the thought of not celebrating the impending arrival of another bundle of joy. Instead of a woman-only shower, for our second, we had a smaller, more intimate BBQ with close friends. For friends that did want to bring gifts, we did register for a few essential things needed for adding baby #2 – like a second diaper genie since both would be in diapers at the same time for a little while. When its your close friends you can do stuff like that though. If its a full blown celebration with all sorts of people, definitely suggest no gifts. I definitely think you should do the blessing for your next too! Each child deserves a celebration when they are coming into this world as each is special.
I love diaper parties for the second (+) time around. Everyone still gets to shower the mama-to-be-again with love, and she leaves with enough diapers to last the first 6 months!
For my second my sister in law organized a small shower because we were having a boy (our first was a girl). There was a full luncheon and the invitations said something along the lines of “please help us dress baby boy Reid…” so that people would know that while we had all of the baby “gear” left from our oldest, clothes would be much welcomed and appreciated. We only invited my closest friends and family (who all would have gifted me something small like clothing anyway). I didn’t ask for the shower, but was grateful for the chance to celebrate my little boy. I also had a very difficult pregnancy and was on a 24/7 drip of anti emetics the entire time so the mini shower was a rare and lovely bright spot in an otherwise hellish 9 months. Certainly it is up to each individual, and I don’t blame others for thinking subsequent showers are “greedy”, but in this case I felt nothing but love and support. To each her own!
Diaper party with a cake along with wonderful friends and caring family!
We do a shower for our friends if the second baby is a different gender, but even if it isn’t we do a “meet the baby” party and gifts are totally not expected and totally optional, but people are usually pretty generous. Just a good excuse for all the ladies to get together and see the wee one.