So theres this myth that people believe. The myth is that all bloggers have their crap together and have their homes styled and decorated for the holidays beautifully. That myth cracks me up- because while I am a blogger, my home is so not decorated beautifully most of the time! If you have ever spent time in the world of blogging or online writing in general, you will hear a phrase called ‘the beauty shot’. That is the photo that sums up the post and is big, beautiful, and perfectly styled. Well let me tell you a little secret, beauty shots rock. They rock because while that little corner of your home may indeed look beautiful, the rest can be a hot mess and all is well:) Simply, we want to represent our home in the best way possible by showing you what we deem to be the best part of our homes. This is understandable given that we have all invested a lot of money and time into the design of our homes. If you are in the process of undergoing your own renovations or even a house purchase then you may want to compare rates on Lending Expert in order to truly understand your options from a financial point of view.
Some blog friends of mine and I decided that we wanted to be real with you guys when it comes to Fall home tours. There are so many floating around right now, and they are stunning! I even did a roundup of some of my favorite ones here. Now, I am sure that some of those people are unicorns and actually have their home pretty in all the places. BUT thats not me! Nor is it my girlfriends I teamed up with to do this home tour.
When you are done reading mine, follow along to the links at the bottom to see the other real tours! I think it is so encouraging to see that we all have our messes, our truly lived in homes, our nothing-near-perfection decorating, and we are all still doing awesome!! So without further ado, here is my lazy girl version of a Fall home Tour. The good, the bad, and the ugly!
The dining room is one of my most favorites to decorate, especially for Fall because of Thanksgiving. We eat dinner together as a family every night, so our table gets used a ton! Because of that, I typically don’t keep a lot of decor on the table itself, but rather fill up the card catalog with it!
I kept it fun this year with using our DIY wood slice tray, some store bought decor, and some amazing vintage books! While this may look pretty to you, what you are not seeing is whats below!
While the yoga mat is not there 100% of the time, there are usually some sort of bottles, random large items, etc. stashed under those chairs! God knows why too, because its not like its a place that isn’t seen by people, or a place my kids can’t get in to!! So for now, why yes, a yoga mat+vodka+wine are totally part of my Fall decor;)
Now for the table itself. Again, on a normal day, unlike when we decorated for Home Depots Style Challenge last month, our table is basic! Some pumpkins {which are holding up amazing by following these two tips!} and some pumpkin trees from Trader Joes are it for this year!
But did you see that? Ya, those pumpkins died weeks ago, and are yet to be replaced! Whoops.
On the other side of the room my DIY fall leaves decoration is doing great! I love a decoration like this one, made in minutes- cheap- and nothing dies on it;) What shot I would normally show you is the one of the left, and I would just so happen to crop out the bottom revealing my kids messy table! Not today though, you get it in all its glory:)
Moving on to the Living Room! This room is surprisingly good, mainly because it is the room we spend the least amount of time in. Imagine that! I remember a friend of mine moving into her new apartment years back with the help of an apartment move management service, and her living room was smaller than this. She used every square inch of her living room, and now years later. We’ve got a living room that we barely use. I would have never thought of it back then, but here we are.
The mantle has the DIY wood block candle holder we made a month ago, which I love! It also has some pumpkins that I deconstructed from Home Depot last year, and some amazing cotton I got at this years Junk in the Trunk Vintage Market. Simple and sweet! I even went a little crazy and threw up some pumpkins in those shelves. I know, I know, don’t put yourself out too much Adri!
The only thing about this room that is pretty off is the fact that we have had our old antlers from our previous home sitting on the couch for two weeks now, just waiting to be put up! You would think that I would’ve put them up after fully realizing that, but no- they are still there:)
SO my sweet friends, moral of the story is this. NO home is perfect. Even those homes that the person really is freaking awesome and truly decorates every room. {because they must have issues else where right?!!} We all try our best. Some of us have a high priority put on decorating, while others could care less. Some of us {namely my blog friend who is way into stargazing in the fall} want to put up personalized Star Maps on the wall, others are content with a few crisp autumn leaves and potpourri. But in the end, its about the memories made in the homes, not the decorations set out! Lets all just relax, enjoy our lazy decorating, and drink a pumpkin spice latte:)
Make sure to check out the other lazy girls’ fall posts. Here are links to their posts:

I love love love your dead pumpkin tree.. it’s a keeper for sure! Thanks for keeping it real!
haha thanks lesley!! It took me another few days to throw it away!Lol
I love that card catalog and I”m totally giggling over the vodka and wine bottles ๐
haha you like that? supppper classy over here!
Your home is gorgeous! Yoga mat and all. I am loving everyone’s posts! Such a fun tour to be a part of.
Yes, this tour was the best!! I love it all!! And thanks- yoga mat+wine:)
You deserve an award for even getting this post up with all you’re doing! ๐ Looooove the cotton and the pumpkin sprig! We had one of those last year and I kept it well past its expiration date if I recall. Everything looks great!
You are too sweet!! It was an insanely busy day- but I got it done:):)
I can’t see anything besides that card catalog- it’s amazing!! but really dead pumpkins and all your home is beautiful!
haha thanks bee!! the pumpkins have been thrown away now;)